why you? (The end)

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Btw can I get atleast 15 votes and few comments pleaseeee? 🥺🥺



Mahi murmured yuvi's name as yuvi look's down at him "I'm sorry..." Mahi could hardly speak anything but he still used all his energy and apologizes to yuvi, Tears were threatening yuvi yet he managed to overcome them "you should not apologise to slut Mahendra Singh" Right there. Mahi's heart broke at the mentione of his full name, he tries to get up in bed but loses his balance, yuvi holds mahi as his grip was tighten on mahi and helped mahi to sit.

"Yuvi...I never meant anything I said...i *coughs* i swear to my mother" mahi said as tears were now popping out of mahi's eyes, yuvi's heart was now aching because he/everyone knows mahi never fake swear and especially never on his beloved mother, "i know baby..." Annnnd yeah, that was enough for mahi to jump-throw himself on yuvi and started crying his heart out but this time it was happy tears.

Yuvi tightened his grip of mahi as he pulls him closer hugging him and assuring that mahi was safe in his arms, soon after mahi stopped crying yet he was hugging yuvi tight while yuvi whispers near mahi's earlobe in a deep husky voice "don't you think you deserve a punishment?" Mahi suddenly had goosebumps all over his body "w-what...p-punishm-ment?" Mahi replies scared by yuvi.

Yuvi replied nothing, he smirked and pushed mahi on the bed pinning his both hands upwards tightly "what's this...y-yuvi?" Said a frightened mahi "you're punishment honey" yuvi replied as he gets on top of mahi and slowly removes his shirt exposing all his body and then yuvi also removed his pants and boxers all in once meanwhile mahi was enjoying the seen infront of him "loveing what you see?" Said yuvi licking mahi's neck as he starts to suck his neck while he slowly entered his 2 fingers into mahi's hole while he still had his shorts and boxers on him which let mahi out moans "arghh....i-it hurts...." Mahi said as it was hurting  "it's better than baby" yuvi said looking into mahi's eyes and then he hunts directly on mahi's lips.

Yuvi sucks mahi's lips and gives him a hard bite which let mahi moan and soon yuvi entered his tongue, exploring each and every corner of mahi's mouth, soon mahi was breathless he patted hardly on yuvi's shoulder and chest indicating to let go but yuvi was absolutely not in the mood, he kept sucking, licking and biting until he felt mahi was about to passout, he let's go  mahi while he directly tears his shirt and removes shorts and boxers in one go on which mahi groans "ahh yuvi..." Hearing this yuvi spanks mahi hard which made him sob and tears comes out of mahi's eyes "yuvi?" Said yuvi in a deep voice scaring mahi "d-daddy..." Mahi says obediently yuvi then started to decorate mahi's body with dark red and purple marks"ahhhhh...more...m-more...daddy..." Said mahi who was loving it.

Yuvi smirks hearing the word he was more than encouraged, he then spreads mahi's legs while he slowly started licking mahi's hole and tounge fucked him "ahhhhh....daddy....please...n-no.... please....go s-s-slow" but yuvi was playing deaf, soon he tries to enter his big length into mahi but mahi's red face, swollen lips, hickeyed body and teary eyes which was seeing yuvi stopped him from letting the male suffer more, he then applied mahi's precum as lube on his dick, and then enters mahi in one go
"Ahaaaaaaaaaaa DADDYY!!" Said mahi who was in extreme pain yuvi gives a kiss to mahi "shush baby, I'm here" and then after mahi adjust to yuvi's length, he starts to thrust mahi roughly "ahaaa daddy pls....fast....more fast...daddy...." Yuvi again played a deaf ear and continued thrusting mahi slow but then he starts thrusting in inhumane speed "ahhhhhhh daddyyyyyy.....y-yes...m-more....m-more said mahi in immense pleasure.

by yuvi's inhumane speed was hitting mahi's prostrate, yuvi's hand than went on mahi's nipples, he was rubbing and pinching the left one while was sucking the right one "arghhg daddy....i-i wanna c-cum" said mahi was so so sensitive by all those moves made by yuvi "wait baby...not so soon" saying that yuvi denied mahi to cum, yuvi then started sucking the other nipple and was pinching the right one now, soon yuvi was about to cum too "cum now baby" said yuvi, mahi and yuvi both came together in an instant, "AHHHHHH" screamed both mahi and yuvi "you still look so fuckable baby" said yuvi who was ready for another round again after thrusting mahi for more than 4 or 5 hours but decides to end seeing mahi's hole was red as tomato, mahi himself was looking like a dead body who was breathing only and slowly yuvi lays beside mahi.

Yuvi places a kiss on mahi's head "come, I'll clean you up baby" yuvi says but mahi hugs him tightly "nope, sleep!" Replies mahi biting yuvi's ear "aww look who acting all cute after asking me to go faster while thrusting hahh" mahi's cheeks got redder and redder and he looked like a peeled tomato "DADDY! DON'T TEASE" mahi says pouting on which yuvi chuckled and than both fell asleep into eachother's embrace.


Hey my birdiess hope you liked it,
For you i literally played with my hormones (yesh I'm on periods 🤧)
But it worths anyways
Vote and comment birdiess please please please

Mwahh 🤍✨


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