why you? (mahi x yuvi) 2

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After yuvi left mahi realised what he said, he tried to go after him but yuvi was no where to be found, mahi goes back to his room as he founds a corner wall and start to punch it hard "how could you mahender singh!" He mumbled to himself regretting every word he said.

Meanwhile yuvi was crying hardly as he goes and knocks on a room door and a figure opens it "s-sach p-pa" that's all, yeah that's all what yuvi said before landing on the floor and breaking apart, sach pa goes on his knees as he holds yuvi in his arms and gets him inside the room, closing the room with his foot.

"Yuvi! What's wrong?" Said sach pa who was really worried about who made yuvi cried this much because he's not a person who'll cry easily, yuvi then explains everything in detail to sach pa while he's voice was breaking apart and he was shivering, "Mera bacha, mahi should not said things like this, wait here I'll go talk to him" sach pa was really angry on mahi and was about to leave when yuvi stops him holding his hand "n-no sach p-pa... P-please" said yuvi in trembling voice and teary doggy eyes and ofcourse sach pa obeyed, he made yuvi sleep somehow and slept beside him assuring that he sleeps well.


Sach pa was wide awake and thinking about something while yuvi approaches him "sach pa? Anything wrong?" Said yuvi in a sleepy voice rubbing his eye "bache, we should teach mahi a lesson" said sach pa as for once you I went in thought but then just nodded "what's the plan pa?" Said yuvi knowing there was something in sach pa's head"

"Nothing much bache, all you have to do is actually like there is no person in ICT named mahi" said sach pa and which yuvi smirked and knew what he had to do. On the other side mahi didn't slept the whole night as he was too busy punishing himself by doing this wall punches and not sleeping even for a sec, mahi's hands were all red while his knuckles were bleeding, he was burning hot and wasn't able to stand even for a bit. "MAHI BHAI !!!!” said a loud voice of a person who just barged into his room
Who else could it be except that one "ro"

"Can't you for once enter nicely in a sofesticated way to?" Said mahi as he was about to loose his balance but he took the help of a couch nearby "do you know where yuvi is?" Mahi said in a low tone "oh yuvi Bhai!? He's in the ground" said ro as he takes a seat kn the bed like it was his room. Mahi not even thinking for a second runs towards the ground as he finally glances yuvi after 9 hours which was probably more than a decade for mahi, he runs towards yuvi and stops the balling machine which yuvi was practicing with.

"Oye, look at this machine guess it's broken" said yuvi removing his gloves and helmet totally ignoring mahi like he didn't exist "yuvi... Please listen to me, i know I'm wrong I was a fool yuvi, a benstrokes but please don't remove me out of your life, I can't live without you yuvi...." Mahi was like a bullet train who was speaking continuously but yuvi this time was strong enough to not distract himself and continues ignoring mahi while mahi was following yuvi.

And suddenly all those words stopped at first yuvi thought mahi Quited but then he decides to let his guards down and look back, as he turned around he didn't see mahi but saw vi, ro and rah running towards him and soon he takes a look where everyone else was looking, on the ground, mahi passed out. Yuvi dropped his bat and everyone else took mahi to his room.

Yuvi didn't left mahi's side not even for the once until he woke up "y-yu-vi?" Said mahi slightly opening his eyes.


I know i know I said that I'd publish the next part tomorrow but couldn't wait so here you go but here another good news ! Ofcourse I'm not leaving this story like this so yeah it'll be having a part three too with a twist, so till then just wait hehehe 😆🤣

Anyways my birdiess
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Love you 💕
Mwahh ~


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