sorry baby (The end)

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"Bhai....I slept with someone yesterday night... And I want to find him!" Tilak said

"WHAT!!!" screamed ro and sky together, ro was shocked while sky was scared.

"Yeah, I don't know why b-" sky's phone rings which was clearly the sound of an alarm but still sky manages to find an excuse "ohhh, someone's calling me, I'll be right back!" Says sky and leaves the room while tilak jaw was on the ground thinking how can a person be this dumb that he'll use alarm tone like- 'chipi chipi chapa chapa doobi doobi' and ro too was confused but underneath was praying to God to give some brain to sky.

"ROHIT BHAI" calls tilak in a stern voice which made Rohit flinch "k-kya...aise kyu ghur raha hai..." Replies Rohit and he gulps and wipes the sweat which was nonstop dropping from ro's head and yeah tilak understood that there was something ro and sky was hiding "are you telling me what's the matter or I'm going to vi Bhai" says tilak standing up and going near the door as he was about to open Ro stops him, (afterall vi ko pata chalega toh ro hi kya hu halat hogi right?) tilak smirks before going back "sooo....spill the tea!!!" Says tilak excitedly.

"Itwassuryawhoyousleptwith" Rohit says fastly- whispering which obviously wasn't heard by tilak "vi Bhai ka number nahi mil raha" says tilak scrolling through his phone "IT WAS SURYA WHO YOU SLEPT WITH" says Rohit loudly closing his eyes meanwhile, hearing this thing tilak dropped his phone down and looks at ro writing 'EXPLANATION' clearly on his face, ro than slowly opens his eyes and takes a deep breath "yeah... He took you to your room and than toh you know what happened...he knew it-its was y-you....and right now too is avoiding you cause he thinks it's a mistake but he likes you" says- explains ro.

Meanwhile tilak tilts his head "Then let's make him realise" says tilak in which ro nods soon tilak whispers something in Rohit's ear and Rohit agrees with it.


It was already dinner time and everyone was there except tilak, sky too came down with ro but didn't spotted tilak "usually toh mere sath ya Ishu ke sath ata hai, abhi kaha hai" says sky in mind, then he, Rohit and Tim sits down while suddenly tilak barges it "I FOUND THAT GUY!" says tilak slapping his hands on the table on ro and sky, ro was happy while sky was scared "w-who i-is i-it?" Stammers sky, "no other than......OUR BREVIS!!!" says tilak as brevis walks towards them and back hugs tilak "and we are in a relationship now" says brewis.

Ro and Tim was happy as they both clapped but sky stoop up and left, tilak tries to go after but was stopped by ro "not this soon bache" says Rohit as tilak and brewis sets in and all fours together.

After finishing tilak takes a plate with some food and covers with another and goes to his and sky's room, as he enters he finds sky reading a book but soon sky's evys lays on tilak "came too soon hah?" Asked sky sarcasly " you some food" says tilak and gives it to sky while he sits right infront "oh- thanks" Surya than starts eating after he was done he went to washroom to wash hands and coming back sees tilak packing a small bag which gave sky a big heartache "w-where are you going?" Sky asked stammering which wasn't unnoticed by tilak but he just smirked and reply "Ohh ofcourse to my boyfriends room...we are gonna have another log night" says tilak dramaticly which made Surya clench his fist "okay" was the only reply before sky went to bed.

Tilak too left and went to ro's room where ro and brewis was "did it worked?" Both Rohit and brewis asked together "yup!!" Replies tilak in which everyone group hugged and then settled to the place and started watching a movie.

Soon after both ro and brewis felt asleep but tilak couldn't, he stoods up and decides to check on Surya, the door was open so he just went in... The room was dark, it was a pin drop silence in there but soon a sound of someone sobbing hits tilak's ears as he flinches and ons the light only to find sky wrapping himself in blanket and crying, tilak goes- runs towards sky and hugs him while sky knew it was tilak only by his presence "til-ak..." Stammers sky while sobbing "yes, I'm here" replies tilak tightening his grip on sky, and after a few second sky Burt's into tears "shhh, I'm here..." Says tilak comforting sky.

"i-i wannn say something..." Says Surya with a puppy face on which tilak chuckles and nods signing sky to go ahead "BREWIS IS A LIAR!!! I-IT WASN'T H-HIM....I-IT WAS ME" says Surya holding tightly onto tilak as he snuggles more and more on which tilak smiles "is it? Then why are you telling me now only?" Says tilak "b-because I felt like i-i w-was lo-losing you.... Which I n-never want to" replies sky slowing his sobbing, tilak just smiles at sky's cuteness "and why you care about losing me?" Asks tilak gently rubbing sky's back "b-because....I LOVE YOU" confronts Surya on which tilak laughs "looks like it worked" says tilak.

Surya looks up at tilak breaking the hug and looks at him with questions in his eyes "it was all ro Bhai's plan, he told me it was you" says tilak and then! Sky countinuesly hits him with pillow "YOU. SCARED. THE. HELL. OUTTA. ME!!!!" says sky but he soon finds himself in tilak's arms which was hugging him tightly "I love you sky..." Says tilak snuggling into sky and hiding his face in surya's chest while sky chuckles, hugs tilak back and strokes his hair gently giving him a kiss on his (tilak's) soft lips
"I love you too, and...." Says sky on which tilak looks up and him not leaving the hug "and what?" Asks tilak "SORRY BABY" say sky on which tilak just smiles and snuggles more while sky gives hundreds of kisses on tilak's forehead.


Hey birdies hope you like it!!

10 comments is all I wish for and do vote hehe!

I won't write on Rohit as I'm writing a whole book on them,

(jassi x Harry)

Till then take care
Love you ✨💕


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