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That evening, Jongho was in his room with a chair propped against the door so San couldn't barge in. Mingi and Yunho had just left and he was happy to finally be alone after a long day.

He got into his bed and snuggled down, ready to go to sleep. His eyes were just falling shut when he heard something scrabbling at his window and they snapped straight back open.

Thinking it was his imagination, he sat up straight in his bed, listening intently when he heard the noise again.

He jumped out of bed, approaching the window apprehensively. He was admittedly a little scared of whatever was on the other side of the glass at this time of night.

Pulling back the curtains with a sudden surge of bravery, Jongho was met with the sight of Yeosang grinning like a crazy person. He waved at Jongho casually, despite the ludicrousness of the situation.

"Yeosang, what the hell?!" Jongho opened the window and tugged the smaller inside a little harsher than necessary "Are you insane?!"

"Hi" Yeosang giggled breathlessly as he tumbled onto the carpet, his hair falling like a golden halo around his head.

"Shhh!" Jongho crouched down, putting a finger to the elders lips "Everyone is asleep"

"Shhh" Yeosang repeated, still laughing as he sat up to look around "Nice room"

"Thanks?" the younger raised an eyebrow "What are you doing here?"

"I was bored" Yeosang blinked as if it was perfectly reasonable to turn up at your neighbours upstairs window at crazy times of the night just because you were bored "Were you asleep?"


"Perfect!" the smaller grinned, jumping to his feet "Has your attic got a skylight?"

"Um yeah, why?" Jongho watched dazedly as Yeosang practically skipped across the room to the door, moving the chair he'd placed there earlier "Where are you going?"

"To the attic" the elder looked at Jongho from over his shoulder before sighing and running back to him, taking his hand "Come on Jongho keep up!"

"You're insane" Jongho muttered, letting himself be dragged out of his own room and up the tiny staircase to the attic. He was almost painfully aware of his fingers interlaced with Yeosang's, the cold metal of the elders rings kissing his warm skin and making him shiver.

Yeosang let go of his hand to push the sky light open and to Jongho's disbelief, climb out of it and on to the roof.

Jongho was sure he was going to into cardiac arrest when Yeosang poked his head back through the sky light, smiling a little crazily "What are you waiting for? Get up here!"

He wasn't as agile as Yeosang, so he needed the elder to help him up but when he was on the roof he felt his hand being taken into Yeosang's again.

They were silent for a while, just stargazing and watching the cars drive by.

"This feels peaceful" the elder whispered after a while, the stars reflecting in the shiny surface of his big eyes as he looked at Jongho.

"Kinda" the younger hummed, staying as still as possible as not to knock the hand that was holding his. Maybe if Yeosang forgot they were holding hands he wouldn't let go so soon. Not that Jongho wanted to hold his hand or anything.

They continued to hold hands and Yeosang tried to point out the different constellations to Jongho but ended up in a confused fit of giggles because he didn't even really know them properly himself.

Jongho held Yeosang's hand tighter in fear that the boy would laugh so hard that he'd slip off of the roof completely.

"What?" the elder asked breathlessly, laughing fit finally coming to an end.

"You're gonna fall, idiot" Jongho wanted to glare but barely managed a frown "Be careful"

"What if I fell right now?" Yeosang suddenly asked, turning to face him "Would you catch me?"

"No" Jongho snorted "I'd happily watch you fall to your death"

Yeosang laughed as if he'd told him the funniest joke in the universe but the younger merely raised an eyebrow, deciding to leave it unquestioned.

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