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That night, Jongho lay awake in his bed thinking about Yeosang.

He was slightly pissed off if he was honest. He didn't like other people even breathing around Yeosang nevermind someone confidently slinging an arm around the elder as if it was their right to touch him.

Jongho was aware that it wasn't his right to touch Yeosang either. They weren't dating. They weren't boyfriends. They hadn't even kissed outside of a sexual setting yet he was pissed off because he was selfish when it came to Yeosang. Sue him.

He sighed restlessly and turned over, checking the time. Yeosang would be here soon, not that he knew Yeosang's schedule or anything. That would be lame and desperate.

"Knock knock!" a voice whispered from the open window. Yeosang was grinning in the half light, his blonde hair being ruffled slightly in the wind. Jongho couldn't tell if it was a trick of the light but he swore the elders hair had gotten blonder.

"What do you want?" Jongho grunted noncommittally. Yeosang giggled and a small part of Jongho wanted to yell.

"You're funny, Jongho" Yeosang climbed into the room. His pyjama shorts were so tiny that his ass was barely covered. Jongho forced himself to take a deep breath and focus on the ceiling above him.

When it came to them...doing the deed, Jongho didn't really know where they stood. They hadn't talked after what had happened at the party but he didn't think Yeosang was acting like it hadn't happened either, the elder was definitely being more touchy with him even if it was innocent.

"Why are you being weird?" Yeosang asked teasingly, getting on the bed. He lay on his stomach, kicking his feet in the air and propping his chin on his hands to look down at Jongho.

"You're being weird" Jongho grumbled. All he could think about was Yeonjun's hands on Yeosang's waist. Jealousy was an unfamiliar feeling for Jongho. He'd never cared about someone enough to experience it but now he had he knew it was something ugly and he hated it.

"Jongho" Yeosang looked at the younger uncertainly "Did I do something wrong?"

"No" Jongho met the elders gaze firmly. He would not let Yeosang think it was his fault. If anything it was his own for being weird and insecure.

"Then what's up?" the elder probed gently "I told you that you could speak to me. And please don't say that it's because of Mingi again"

"Wasn't going to" Jongho lied, looking away before changing the subject "Did you get blonder?"

"Yeah" Yeosang giggled, running a hand back through his hair "Wooyoung was refreshing the blonde in his oreo so I asked him to take me up a few shades"

Jongho didn't say anything but he let his eyes trail appreciatively over the elders profile.

"Why are you looking at me like that" Yeosang asked, voice barely above a whisper. He reached out skim his fingers along the bridge of Jongho's nose then to trace the soft surface of his lips.

"Like what?" Jongho replied, voice low against Yeosang's fingers.

"Like you want to eat me alive" the elder whispered. He leaned closer, his hair tickling Jongho's face.

That was probably the perfect way to describe how Jongho felt in that moment. Yeosang's skin was soft, he smelled good and he looked even better. The younger couldn't help but think back to when Yeosang had his back arching against this very bed, Jongho's name spilling from his lips over and over again.

"Jongho" Yeosang whispered against the shell of the youngers ear, shy even though they were very much alone "Been thinking about the party"

"Yeah, gorgeous?" Jongho hummed, reaching up to brush away some hair from the elders face then to hold his cheek in his rough palm "What you been thinking about?"

"You didn't cum last time. I want to make it up to you"

"You don't have to do that, baby" Jongho replied as evenly as he could though his heart was thundering against his ribs at the thought of Yeosang's skin against his "The face you make when you feel good is more than enough for me"

"But I want to" Yeosang nuzzled his nose against Jongho's jaw and pressed his lips against the youngers neck. Jongho squeezed his eyes shut in an effort not to embarrass himself "Please, Jongho? I want to"

Jongho sighed, realising the elders mind was already made up "Okay, baby. Just this once okay?"

"Okay" Yeosang smiled triumphantly against Jongho's neck before leaning up to connect their lips.

Jongho instantly sighed into the kiss with relief as he felt his anxiety fall away. Yeonjun was a distant memory and all that mattered was Yeosang's soft fingers in his hair and his pretty lips pressing harder against his at every passing moment.

Yeosang let out a small squeak of surprise as Jongho lifted him by his hips onto his lap before tugging him back forward into another kiss.

"Jongho" Yeosang whispered when they broke apart, his whole body shuddering as the younger gripped two large handfuls of his ass "Please- I want you"

"Yeah? Want me, baby?" Jongho pressed gentle kisses to the column of the elders neck, making him pant desperately.

"So bad" Yeosang whimpered "Want you in my mouth"

"Fuck. Okay, baby we can do that"

Jongho discarded his boxers and propped himself up against the pillows. Part of him wanted to turn on the lights so he could see Yeosang properly but he didn't want to scare the elder off with his shamelessness.

"You're big" Yeosang blinked, wrapping a hand round the youngers impressive length.

"Do what you can, sweetness" Jongho lovingly pinched Yeosang's cheek "Anything will be perfect"

The elder leant down until he was a breath away from Jongho's hardened cock, his eyes large and inquisitive. Yeosang leaned in to press a chaste kiss to the tip and Jongho hissed at the sensation.

Yeosang looked up at him, eyes wide and sparkling with all the stars in the universe and he has the audacity to giggle right next to Jongho's rock hard dick.

Respectfully, Jongho wanted to fuck him into next week.

"Fuck" he groaned as Yeosang wrapped his lips around him, slightly bobbing his head "You take it so well, princess"

Yeosang hummed in reply and Jongho gripped the sheets either side of him. He didn't want to risk pulling Yeosang's hair too hard, he'd never forgive himself.

After a while, Yeosang pulled off with a pop. His big eyes were worried.

"What happened, angel? Was it too much?"

"Why aren't you touching me?" Yeosang almost pouted "Don't you like it?"

"No, no gorgeous I love it" Jongho quickly reached out to swipe his thumb against Yeosang's lips in adoration "You're so so perfect, baby. I just don't want to hurt you"

"You won't" Yeosang grasped the hand that was stroking his face and placed it in his own hair "I'll tell you if it's too much"

"Promi-" Jongho was cut off with his own moan as Yeosang dove back down, taking his dick between his lips once again "Oh shit, Yeosang"

Who knew that the angel that was Kang Yeosang who liked to wear silver glitter on his eyes and tiny pink bows in his hair was an expert at sucking dick. Jongho almost felt deceived.

"I'm close I'm close I'm close" Jongho chanted, trying not to close his eyes because he couldn't live with himself if he looked away right now.

Yeosang bobbed his head faster, fingers gripping into Jongho's thighs. Jongho tried to pull him off but he batted the youngers hands away. Jongho came soon after, spilling down the elders throat.

"Fuck" shudders ran through his whole body until he flopped back against the pillows, boneless.

"Was that okay?" Yeosang whispered, getting up to push Jongho's sweaty bangs away from his face.

"Baby, that was perfect" Jongho replied breathlessly, pulling Yeosang down so he could return the favour.

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