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It was night time and Jongho was in his bed overthinking. Naturally, it was about Yeosang.

He sighed to himself, mulling over the conversation he'd had with Yunho and Mingi. Maybe he'd finally lost his mind if something Yunho and Mingi had said was driving him this crazy.

Maybe that's what love truly was, the loss of your sanity. He felt like he'd changed so much since meeting Yeosang, like the elder had knocked him down then rebuilt him with the same bricks in a different order. Yes, that was a good way to describe it. The same Jongho yet so different.

He wondered if he'd done the same to Yeosang. Did Yeosang ever look in the mirror and question if it was the same person looking back at him?

"If I fell would you catch me?" Yeosang asked him that first night on the roof. Jongho snorted a little to himself. It seemed like he'd fallen instead and Yeosang had caught him. He really did fall in love with Yeosang overnight.

Yeosang was pretty, kind, smart, caring. He was like a ray of sunshine to everyone around him, brightening their days with just his presence. He'd probably been confessed to more times than he could count in ways that Jongho couldn't even begin to imagine.

How the fuck does one even confess?!

"I like you" Jongho murmured out loud, immediately wishing he could snatch back the words from the air because they sounded so fucking stupid coming from his mouth. How did people manage to sound so smooth yet genuine while doing this shit?

He considered asking Yunho and Mingi how they'd confessed to each other then decided against it. Some things were better left unknown. Plus, he wanted his confession to be nothing short of perfect which was what Yeosang deserved.

Jongho sighed again and checked the time. Yeosang was late. At the same time, his phone buzzed.

yeosang 🩷 : look outside

Curiously, Jongho moved towards the window. He tentatively moved back the curtains and peeked through to see Yeosang's silhouette from the elders own bedroom window.

"What the fuck" Jongho murmured to himself as he watched the elder wave at him excitedly. The youngers jaw dropped as Yeosang proceeded to grab the hem of his shirt and lift it over his head, dropping it somewhere behind him.

"Yeosang" Jongho hissed, leaning out of the window and looking around frantically. He was sure his face was as red as his hair and hoped Yeosang couldn't tell "Someone's gonna see you!"

"You better come over here then!" Yeosang called back in a taunting sing song voice, the musical sound of his laughter mocking Jongho.

"I'm gonna kill him" the younger muttered as he began the perilous journey out of his window. He gripped the sill desperately and wondered how the hell Yeosang effortlessly scaled this wall every night like it was nothing. Maybe he should finally swallow his pride and join San in the gym.

"Oh hey Jongho" Yeosang grinned down cheekily, chin propped on his hand at his open bedroom window. His overgrown blonde hair flowed a little in the wind and Jongho was wondering which twisted version of rapunzel he'd been transported to.

"Just you wait till I get my hands on you" Jongho snapped as quietly as he could. He really didn't want Yeosang's parents to step out to the neighbour boy trying to break into their son's bedroom. If Seonghwa caught wind of this Hongjoong would shoot him dead right here on Yeosang's perfect green lawn.

"I'm waiting" Yeosang giggled and pretended to inspect his nails.

Jongho sighed before beginning to climb the drainpipe as best as he could. For one dreaded moment, he thought he heard the front door open but it was just a trick of his ears and pretty soon he was tumbling through the window and onto Yeosang's thick fluffy pink carpet.

"My prince!" the elder cheered with delight and Jongho thought he looked just like Seonghwa for a second "You finally came!"

Jongho rolled his eyes and tugged the curtains shut before turning round to really take in Yeosang's room. Everything was pink or sparkly or fluffy just like the owner.

"Are you insane?" Jongho grunted, crossing his arms across his chest, expression firm.

"No" Yeosang sat on his bed, still shirtless. His brown eyes sparkled with excitement in the half light as he cocked his head to one side "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come over here?"

Jongho narrowed his eyes but didn't push any further before joining the elder on the bed, caging him in with his body before leaning down to steal a soft kiss.

Just as their lips were about to meet, Jongho hesitated and pulled back slightly.

"Jongho?" Yeosang murmured, pulling back and blinking his big eyes in concern "What's wrong?"

Jongho looked away, thinking about what Mingi said. He didn't want Yeosang to think this was the only thing he wanted from him, that sex was the only reason he wanted to be around him.

"Ah, nothing I'm just tired" Jongho looked away and got off of the elder "Is it okay if we just go to sleep?"

Yeosang was painfully silent for a moment before he smiled and nodded softly, reaching out to gently caress Jongho's face "Of course, my love. Whatever you want"

They lay together, Jongho stressing and overthinking until he succumbed to his slumber.

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