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"Yo!" San grinned as he caught Jongho at the top of the stairs at home "How's my favourite brother?"

"I'm your only brother, San" Jongho raised a suspicious eyebrow as he watched the elder start doing push ups on the landing, the muscles of his tanned back flexing "What do you want?"

"We're having a party on Saturday" San jumped back to his feet a little breathlessly, crossing his huge arms over his chest "You better help me host it or at least do your best to not be a spoil sport like always"

Jongho had been known to pull the plug on the speakers at previous parties to prompt everyone to leave. San hadn't been impressed.

"No fucking way" Jongho laughed a little, shaking his head "We are not having a party"

"Yes we are, little bear" San smiled, ruffling the youngers hair before wiggling his eyebrows "Yeosang's coming~"

"Why does that matter?" Jongho grunted, leaning against the wall.

"Because it's obvious you like him" San chuckled, checking his reflection in his phone screen "Like really obvious"

"Shut up" Jongho snapped "You don't know what you're talking about. You like Wooyoung"

"You're right I do" San smirked, raising his hands as he walked backwards to his room "See ya later, party animal!"

Jongho scowled after him, shaking his head. He should've known that San was too shameless for the Wooyoung jab to affect him. He was still scowling as he entered his room.

"Hi, Jongho!" Yeosang chirped.

Jongho yelled in surprise and almost tripped over his own feet. Yeosang was sat in the middle of his bed, laughing a little at the youngers reaction.

"You really need to stop breaking in to my room, Yeosang" Jongho glared, stomping over to the elder "You can't just do that to people! Have you ever heard of privacy? Boundaries?"

Yeosang simply giggled, looking up at the younger from under his long eyelashes and cocking his head to one side. Jongho felt a little breathless.

The elder shuffled to the edge of the bed, kneeling so they were eye to eye. They were so close that Jongho could see every individual eyelash.

"Boo!" Yeosang whispered with a teasing laugh. Jongho reached out, twirling one of the elders wispy blonde strands around his finger.

"Very scary" he murmured dryly. Yeosang placed a hand on the middle of Jongho's chest, eyes widening a little.

"Did I really scare you that badly when you came in before?" he blinked "Your heart is beating so fast"

"Yeah, you must've" Jongho lied, looking away "You got me good"

"San told me there's gonna be a party" Yeosang smiled excitedly, sitting back down cross legged on the bed "Is it true?"

Jongho snorted. Of course San has already started inviting people before even letting him know. Typical San.

"Unfortunately" he muttered, sitting beside Yeosang on the bed and crossing his arms "It's fucking lame"

"It's gonna be fun" the elder squealed excitedly, grabbing one of Jongho's arms and shaking him before blinking his big eyes in suprise "Damn, this thing is huge..."

Yeosang looked down at Jongho's bicep, squeezing it slightly in wonder.

"Ahem!" Jongho flushed pink, pulling his arm back.

"Sorry" Yeosang giggled at the youngers expression "You're so funny, Jongho"

"I'm not" Jongho grumbled indignantly but he wasn't really all that irritated.

"Will you be at the party?" Yeosang asked after a while when Jongho had turned off the light and they were tucked under the covers.

"Maybe" Jongho replied thoughtfully, arms folded behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling "Mingi and Yunho will be here so I won't be able to escape with them anywhere. I'll probably hole myself up in my room to make sure no one fucks on my bed. You?"

"I'm gonna partayyyy" Yeosang wiggled around in the bed, attempting to show off his dance moves "Wooyoung would skin me alive if I ditched anyways"

Jongho chuckled slightly at both the dance moves and the comment about Wooyoung. He could imagine it all too well, the sassy oreo haired boy with his hands on his hips telling off a quivering Yeosang.

"What am I gonna do with you, hmm?" Jongho hummed, looking down at Yeosang who looked up at him with his huge eyes. Jongho picked at his blonde strands idly, listening to the cars drive by.

"Partayy" Yeosang giggled quietly, proceeding to wiggle around the bed again.

"Do that again and you're getting kicked out"

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