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It was the next morning and the doctor finally walked out of the operation room,

"How is she? " Jin asked as he was the first to get to the doctor

"Is she okay?"

"How was the operation?"

"The  operation was successful, although-"

"Although what? tell us," Mr. Kim inquired

"Her right leg is broken and due to the impact on her head she may forget some of her memories and we also found a lot of injuries bruises and scars al over her back and stomach and forearms. She'll have to stay here for about a week before deciding if we can discharge her." Jin and Jungkook looked at each other

"Can we see her now?" Jungkook asked in a low voice and the doctor nodded and left. Jungkook, Jin and Mr. Kim slowly walked into the ward where Y/n was. Tears came to their eyes as they saw her laying in the hospital beds with lots of wires connected to her.

 Tears came to their eyes as they saw her laying in the hospital beds with lots of wires connected to her

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Mr. Kim ran up to her and held her small hand in his big ones, 

" Pls open your pretty eyes for me, Appa wants to see your pretty smile and hear those sweet giggles on yours," Tears fell down his eyes as his oldest and youngest sons watched from behind, Guilt was eating Jungkook up from inside, he felt horrible like a monster.

Mr. Kim was still holding Y/n's when she moved her fingers, he looked up and saw her eyes slowly open,

"A-appa," her voice was small and weak. Mr. Kim smiled widely and hugged her gently. Jungkook and Jin were shocked at the same time happy that Y/n had woken up

"Appa are you crying ?" Y/n asked as she heard her dad sniffing while hugging her. He broke the hug and shook is his head no, but one tear dare to fall, seeing this Y/n felt sad seeing her Appa like this so she cleaned his tears, hurriedly which Mr. Kim found cute. zHe smiled at her and kissed her forehead

"Don't ever scare us like that we were really scared," Jin said and tried to touch her but she back away from him in fear, Jin was taken back and a bit hurt at this 

"W-who are you?" 


Jimin: " Did you guys see how Jin Hyung cried for that little slut," he said trough gritted teeth

Taehyung: "She even made Jungkook sad, and made him say no to us when we asked him to come home with us,"

Yoongi: "I feel like killing her with my bare hands,"

Hobi: "Is blackpink not comin in three days?" Namjoon nodded

Yoongi" if I'm right, they go to the same school as Y/n," Hobi nodded"

Yoongi:  "Then we don't have to worry about making her life hell  at school."

Back to the hospital.........................

Jin was hurt by how Y/n reacted to him, but he then remembered what the doctor had said about a bit of memory loss.

"Baby, I'm your Jin Oppa," he looked at him confused, and then looked at her Appa, he smiled at her and nodded indicating that Jin wasn't lying

"H-hi" she stammered, Jungkook was too scared to even talk to her so he turned around and left, he stood outside the hospital ward. Y/n's stomach grumbled indicating that she was hungry, Mr. Kim didn't want her to eat the hospital food so ha called home and asked the maid to pack a meal for his baby. Jin said he would bring it, and also use the oppurtunity to change his clothes as he walked out of the ward he saw Jungkook standing by the door with tears in is eyes, he walked up to his brother and smiled,

"You've made a mistake and you realized it now it's up to you to change, apologize and change for the better, give her time to get used to you, and trust me it will be worth it, " he patted Jungkook's shoulder and left. Jungkook thought of what Jin had said and crept into her ward and saw her giggling as Mr. Kim tickled her, he walked towards them and cleared his throat, they turned around and saw Jungkook standing there.

"Dad can I please talk to Y/n alone," unfortunately Y/n remembered Jungkook, how he would tease bully and call her names, what made her most scared of him was how he cut her with a knife.

 "Sure, Baby I'm at the door if anything happens just call my name," he kissed her forehead and was about to leave

"Pls don't leave," she hugged his hand not wanting to let go. Jungkook felt hurt but what could he say, he deserved that especially after the way he treated she was nothing.

"Hey it's okay, Appa isn't going anywhere," He hugged her and she hugged him back crying

"I'l leave," Jungkook turned around and left, he called one of their body guards to take him home, since Y/n didn't want to talk to him yet, she decided he would wait till she got back home.

Time skip...................................

Jungkook walked into Kim mansion and was quickly swarmed by his brothers,

"Kookie are you okay?"

"Kookie are you hurt?"

"Why do you look sad?"

"Where's Appa?"

"Guys I'm fine" he replied

"Jungkook don't lie to us we are your Hyungs'"

"It's nothing I just need to change," with that he walked away to his room.

"This little bitch I'll make sure she pays,"- Jimin's toughts.

To be continued..........................

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