School or another hell?

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A/n's POV

Y/n and Jin made their way downstairs, and sat at the dinner table, They ended up sitting opposite to each other. Dinner was quiet, until Mr. Kim broke it.

"Honey, You'll be starting a new school tomorrow," he announced the news caught Y/n by surprise, she didn't want to move schools. Not like anything important happened at her old school, it just her art teacher was the nicest person to her and she was the only reason she saw  to smile, that was until she met Mr. Kim and accepted him as her new dad, and Jin accepted her as his sister. But still, she still missed him. 

"But Appa, i don't want to go to a new school," Mrs. Choi glared at her

" You're going to that new school tomorrow you don't have a choice," she warned Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded sadly

"Don't worry baby, we own the school so if anything happens feel free to tell me or one of your oppas okay?" Y/n nodded feeling a bit more comfortable at the soothing voice of Mr. Kim.

"Nae Appa," Jin smiled at her as she looked up at him. 

Once dinner was over, Taehyung and Jungkook, went into the living room to play video games, while Jimin just scrolled trough his phone. Hobi was at the swimming pool, Namjoon was in his room doing something on his laptop while Yoongi was fast asleep on his bed. Jin tucked Y/n into bed and left to help Namjoon with some of the work he was doing on the laptop. Mr. Kim was in his room finishing up some work, When he heard a knock at the door,

"Come in," The door opened a bit and a small figure walked in, dressed in cute night wear,

"Hi baby, what's wrong? should you be asleep you have school tomorrow," He asked worried as he stoop up and walked towards her, scooping her off the floor into his arms, she leaned against his chest 

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"Hi baby, what's wrong? should you be asleep you have school tomorrow," He asked worried as he stoop up and walked towards her, scooping her off the floor into his arms, she leaned against his chest 

"Appa, I'm scared," Y/n said, she didn't have a nightlight, so her room was quite dark, and it reminded her of the storage room where she was locked in by Yong-San and Sunoo.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" She asked as she looked up at him with her inrisitable puppy eyes that he couldn't say no to

"Aish you little brat, don't look at me like that my heart might explode from all your cuteness," she giggled at his response, Mr. Kim walked over to the king-sized bed, that was big enough for four people, he laid on the opposite side to mis Choi and hugged Y/n, she hugged him back as she slowly fell asleep listening to the soft melody Mr. Kim was humming.

The next day........................................................

Jin woke up early to make Y/n breakfast, he wanted her to eat well for her first day before school, he went upstairs to wake her up but she wasn't there, he got worried and checked his dad's room, Y/n was laying in Mr. Kim's embrace while Mrs. Choi laid on the opposite side, Jin walked up to his dad and Y/n to wake them up,

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