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"So this is him?" Jin said standing out side of one of the many cells they had in their hideouts,

"Yes Hyung," Namjoon replied

"This is going to be fun," Jin said with a menacing smile,

"Open the cell," Namjoon said, in his cold professional voice. The guard nodded and opened the cell gates, Jin and Namjoon walked in and the cell gates closed,

"W-who are you and why am I here?" The man asked while trying to get free of the ropes that bonded him to the chair, Jin enraged walked over to him and punched him in the stomach, so hard that he started coughing blood.

"We are the ones who will be doing the questioning tonight, and if this turns out fun we might keep you alive till tomorrow." Jin said as he grabbed the man's jaw harshly.

"Now," Jin started as he picked up a knife and sat on the chair he had requested for. Namjoon was at on the table right beside the wall,

"Explain to me why you tried to kill a fucking ten years old girl!" Jin yelled, before calming himself

"I did it for someone," the man said breathing heavily, Jin shook his head watching the man's pathetic behavior. With a smile on his face Jin take the knife and digs it slowly in tohis arm, the man screams in pain as Jin continued to wiggle the knife around in the man' arm. he leans into the man's ear and whispers

"Now tell me who is this 'someone''" Jin leans away and pulled the knife out of the man's arms he smiled as he saw the crimson liquid flowing down the man's arm.

"W-why should I tell you?" The man stuttered causing Jin to laugh, as he gave Namjoon the signal, Namjoon nodded and took the bucket at the side of the room and grabbed a pair of plyers and a chair. he sat in front of the man and took his hand.

Realization of what Namjoon was trying to do hit him and he desperately try's to move his hand away but his hands were tightly bonded to the arm rests of the chair . Namjoon held the plyers at the base of his fingers and very slowly started to close it around it, applying more pressure as it came closer to the finger. The sounds of his bone cracking became visible as the pain started to kick in. he struggled to move his hand away which only resulted in more pain.

A blood trilling scream escaped the man's lips as his index finger was chopped off. The bloody finger fell into the bucket with a very quiet thud. thankfully the room was sound proof so no noise could escape from here.

Jin smiled at the sight and gave Namjoon the go ahead to cut off another finger, 

"No no no, please don't," The man cried pathetically but it all fell onto deaf ears as his middle finger was chopped off, he screamed again and Namjoon was about to do another one, he enjoyed the way the man screamed in pain, it was music to their ears.

"Enough,' Jin asked Namjoon almost whined as he moved the plyers away from the man's hand

"Are you ready to talk now?" Jin asked and the 

"Y-yes, I'll tell you everything you want to know," Jin miled a sweet but manacing smile

"Now who sent you?" He asked returning to his cold emotionless face

"No-no one sent me I did it because because because," The man hesitated to say the reason he did this

"Fucking tell me the reason!" Namjoon yelled getting frustrated

"I'm sorry sir I swear I didn't know you were Mafias, If I had known I wouldn't have done that," He said crying while shaking in fear, but he hadn't answered their question and this made Namjoon angry as he punched him in the face, He coughed blood again

"That wasn't what I fucking asked you," Jin said angry

"I did it because of my daughter," The man said and Jin frowned more

"What do you mean?" Jin asked

"Sir because of your sister my daughter almost died," Namjoon was confused

"What are you talking about? What did my sister do to your daughter?" Namjoon asked

"Sir on the same day I brought my daughter too the hospital, was the same day you brought your sister and the doctor denied treating her, I remember the doctor's words very clearly, "I sorry but we can't operate on her right now we have a very very important patient", I felt so helpless" the man said

"How old is this daughter of your?" Namjoon asked in a cold voice

"Why would I tell you?" the man said and Jin smirked

"It looks like the pain Is starting to wear off on you," Jin said and picked up the blood coated knife again, but this time he stabs it into the man's lap, and he screams in pain,

"Please stop," he cried out

"Are you ready to tell me now?" Jin asked sinking the knife dipper and the man nodded, with a satisfied smile he pulled to knife out of his lap

"Now answer my question," Jin said

"She she's 21 years old," Jin was shocked

"So you wanted to kill a fucking ten year old for a twenty one years old woman," Jin yelled and punched him,

"her case must have been minor that's why  the doctor decided to operate on her later," Namjoon said

"You tried to kill a Mafia bosses daughter, we'll teach you not to mess with mafia's in your next life," Jin said and dropped the Knife

"JK!" He yelled and Jungkook who had been standing in a dark coner of the room  walked out with a psychopathic smile. If anyone saw him at the time they would think he needed mental help. The guy was confused as he did see Jungkook come in.

"He's all your, I'm done here," Jin said 

"Good luck," he said to the guy and left,

"No please I'm sorry I promise I won't do it again," Jin heard the man cry as he was about to close the door. but he pays no mind to the pleads and closed the door shut.

To be continued...................................................

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