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Jungkook's POV

I've been feeling horrible for the past few days. Everything that has been happening to her because of my unnecessary hatred towards her has not only caused her pain but my family as well. I looked up towards Jin Hyung I couldn't help but feel more and more guilty, Jin almost never cried. And right now, his's looking so vulnerably. And to make matter's worst, Y/ns supposed to be mom doesn't even care. I mean she didn't visit her daughter at all ever since she woke up. Using the excuse of having too much work on hand. I wonder how a person could have so much hate for their own child, There is me my dad and Jin Hyung who are worried as hell for Y/n. If I could reverse time and change what I did I would.

Just then Y/n's mom rushed in,

"Oh my God, what happened?" No one answered

"Jagi, what happened?" she asked appa

"Her heartbeat started decreasing," Appa replied

A/n's POV

"That little brat," Mrs. Choi said under her breath after hearing what was happing to her daughter. She cared less and looked over at Jungkook

"Kookie are you okay?' Jungkook just nodded. Mr. Kim was now feeling so mad , He grabbed Mrs. Kim's arm and pulled her forcefully away from the boys

"Jagi what are you doing?" she asked while looking at Mr. Kim

"What am I doing?" he questioned back angry

"Jagi what happened?"

"Are you even a mother? can't you at least care for her this once? You blood daughter is in a serious condition and you're here worrying about my son who is perfectly fine," he said enraged

"So what? Jungkook is also my son so let me care for him. And about Y/n what do you expect me to do the doctors are already operating on her, so let me care for the others," Mr. Kim was surprised by her response 

"Yeobu, at least try to understand her condition is very critical even the doctors are surprised,"

"There is nothing I can do a both that, she's the one who didn't move out of the way of the car in time and pushed Jungkook, what if he had hit his head, and did you see how badly bruised his arm was?"

"He's fine, he's trained to bare much more pain then you think," Mr. Kim replied

"at-" she cut him off

"I'll take care of them," with that she left him. Now Mr. Kim was fuming, he punched the wall in front of him so hard there was and indent. His fist was just a bit cut nothing more. 

He left the Coner and went back to the sitting area only to find his other sons too came, but he wasn't in the mood to speak with any of them, so he just sat beside Jin. Mr. Kim was so frustrated now; His work was giving him troubles but most importantly his daughter's health. Nothing in the worked mattered to him more that Y/n's well being. he just wanted her safe and healthy and happy again.

But there was someone else who was worried as hell, it was, 

You guyed right Our Kim Namjoon. he was feeling bad for the poor girl. he had left the waiting room and went out for some air again. He remembered how he would always beg his mom for a baby sister, now that he had one was, he treating her right? remove the fact that they were sibling but as a girl woman was, he treating her right? were these the morals his mom taught him on how to treat a lady? He started to remember how they treated the poor innocent soul, how they would bully her, call her names, but she never tried to stand up for her self. A part of him felt horrible.

"I should apologize to her when she wakes up," he whispered to himself as he decided to go back to the hospital. as he walked back he bumped into a guy dressed in black at the reception. The guy was wearing a mask and seemed really suspicious.

"can't you watch where you're going?" he sad in anger

"I'm sorry sir," he guy apologized, but something was defiantly off about the guy he looked like the guy from the pharmacy, but Namjoon shook off the idea and walked off to join his family. As soon as he got there the doctor came out,

"How is she?"

"Is she awake?"

"Is it something serious?"

"How did it go?"

The doctor was met with so many no too many questions

"Fucking answer us," Namjoon said in anger

"Are you trying to disrespect out father?" Taehyung said 

"N-no s-sir," the doctor said in fear

"Then fucking talk," Jin said

"Boys calm down, Doctor how is my daughter's health?" Mr. Kim asked 

"Like I said before she was doing very good, until," he stopped

"Till what?" Mrs. Kim asked

"I think someone was against her well being, as I noticed her injections were missed up and so were her medications, she almost died but we were able to save her now but she's unconscious," the doctor said leaving everyone in shock

"Why would someone want a freaking ten year old dead," Mr. Kim said

" I don't know that sir but I suggest you be more gently around her as she is really fragile and sensitive right now," the doctor said

"how is she doing now?" Jin asked

"She's fine, we were able to save her this time but next time I'm afraid it may be too late, I I strongly suggest to tighten the security around her." Jin almost broke down there, how could some one be so heartless to want to kill a ten years old.

"Thank you so much doctor," Mrs. Kim said, The doctor bowed and left

Namjoon was baffled he had bought the medicine given by the staff himself.

" Who they hell switched the medicine," Mr. Kim asked

"S-sir I w-a-s t-h-e o-ne who m-a-d-e t-h-e- p-r-e-s-c-r-i-p-t-i-o-n," a nurse stuttered out

"So you were the one trying to kill my sister," Jungkook said as he grabbed the nurse by the neck

"S-s-r pl-s," she begged trying to remove his hand but his hold on her neck was strong

"Jungkook leave her," Mr. Kim said and Jungkook let the nurse go

"why did you switch the medicine

"I didn't sir, I wasn't even the one who bought them," she said 

"then who both the fucking medicine?" Jin asked in anger

"I did,"

To be continued..........................................

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