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Suga's POV

"Why would someone want to hurt her mom said that she has no enemies," I asked 

"Hyung are worried about Y/n?" Jungkook asked in a shocked voice

"Quiet kid," I yelled at him

"But I'm not a kid," he whispered with a pout and I rolled my eyes at him. But to be honest I don't know why but I can't help but feel a bit bad for her. Just out of pity.

"Boss," a guard came in with the photo of a man

"We found a photo of him and his name," ge said handing the picture to Jin Hyung

Jin's POV

I took the picture of the guy and stared at it in surprise. This guy looks familiar. But where have I met him before?


We just finished a meeting with our rivals, they didn't want to be fair, so we had to get a bit physical, my knuckles were a bit scarped and had blood on them, but I don't mind. I got down from the car with Appa, and I felt someone run into me. I stumbled a bit, I Looked up and saw a guy dressed in all black, he was heading into the hospital with a little girl in his hands, suspicious

"I'm sorry sir,"

"Can't u watch where your going?!"  I yelled in anger

"Jin, calm down. You leave and watch where your going next time," Appa said and I glared at the guy

"Baby calm down I know you're worried about Y/n but she'll be okay,' I breath out and nodded, we made our way inside the hospital. The only thing that can truly calm me down right now is Y/n. I miss my baby so much already, I just hope nothing went wrong and Namjoon and Jimin didn't try anything stupid, while we were gone. Appa and I walked in and I was shock to see Jimin Jungkook and Namjoon in front of the Emergency room with the light flashing bright red. 

(Chapter: Stay strong)

*End of Flashback*

"Hyung I know him," Namjoon said and we all turned our attention to him

"What do you mean?" Appa asked

"He was the same guy who bumped into me at the reception on the day Y/n's drugs got mixed up," he replied 

"Appa Don't you recognize him?" I asked

"What? no," Appa replied surprised

"they guy who bumped into us outside the building, that he was holding a little girl, "I reminded him

"Who is he and why would he have any reason to hurt Y/n?" Jungkook asked

"I don't know, all I'm sure of is we'll get answers when we find him," I replied

"We? Hyung I never said I was going to help" Tae whined

"Yeah and you never asked us," Jimin said backing Taehyung up

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you," I replied getting annoyed,

"Yes hyung," they all replied

"Calm down, we're going to find him," Appa said placing his hand gently on my shoulder, I exhaled deeply losing my tightened fists.

"You get our best men track him down, I want him alive ,"

"Yes boss," The guard bowed ad left

"Baby what happened to your hand," Appa asked taking my injured fist into his hand

"Appa it's nothing just a small cut," i replied casually, even though I felt like something was poking me inside it.

"Small, there is literarily a piece of glass in it, Jimin go get the doctor,"

"Appa I promise I'm fine, I can easily just pull it out," I said but he shook his head disapprovingly

"If Y/n wakes up and see you like this she'll be sad, and I don't like seeing you hurt, your already hurt emotionally, and now your physically hurt, I won't let it slide," Appa said there was no winning this argument so I just sighed in defeat. we went to the doctor's office, The doctor who thankfully is my long time friend Eunwoo, he bandaged up my arm and told me not to do anything that may required me flexing my muscles as it may cause the wound to expand.

"Thank you so much Eunwoo," Appa said

"No problem dad," Appa sees Eunwoo as his son as he help me pull trough one of the most difficult times in my life (Losing his mom). Appa's phone started ringing

"I need to answer this," with that he stood up and left

"Thanks bro," i said

"No need to thank me, what are best friends for," he replied. I smiled at him

"I'll leave you to focus," I was about to stand up but he stopped me

"Wait there is something i would like to talk to you about, her," he said getting my full attention

"While I was doing the check up, I found some serious signs o depression," depression? I know she has trust issues but depression

"What kind of signs?" I asked

"There were some scares on her arms and legs, which were a result of self harm. When I did a full body scan for her, I saw that the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex had shrunk, and her amygdala which is responsible for controlling fear had enlarged badly, you may notice that she doesn't talk much may have frequent and unpredictable mood swings. It's the depression kicking in. For an adult it's such a serious situation but or a child only ten. It's amendable but not easy." I was shocked. I didn't know what to say

"What can i do to help?" I asked

"what's her favourite colour?" he asked i remember her telling me she love dark colours but her favourite was black

"Black," I replied

"Is her room black?" he asked


"In that case you can start their, change the color of her room to brighter colors, make sure she doesn't stay in the house too much, in short make her happy at all costs,' he said

"thanks," i said with a smile

"Sure, a sister of yours is a sister of mine," he said with a smile. I stood up and he also stood up. we hugged each other for a few seconds.

"I'll get back to work," he said. now i have a new task on my hands find the best designer for my baby's room and to find the object she uses to harm herself. the thought a lone of her self harming hurts me so much. I wish I had known her earlier.

I walked towards the door of her ward and stared at her limb body in a hospital bed connected to so many monitors. It felt like a hole was being blowen in my heart. 

"I promise you'll never have a reason to self harm again," 

To be continued...............................................................

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