Father Daughter Time

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(So I just realized It's been a while since Y/n's mom performed some drama so I'm bringing her back)

A/n's POV

Mr. Kim sighed as he finished the last of the file works, he stood up stretching a bit as he had been seating in his home office all day, he walked up to his balcony and smiled slightly as the cool air hit his face, just then his eyes caught attention of someone moving among the trees of their garden, at first he thought it was their gardener, but when he saw who it truly was he let out a chuckle, It was Y/n she was running around with crystal,

"Aish, she looks so adorable running around like that, I just hope they accept her soon, Namjoon and Jungkook already regret harming her, I just hope it won't be too late when they realize," he said in a low tone, thinking back to his other four sons who are yet to accept that sweet little angel, who only craves for the love and warmth of all her brothers.

He continued to watch y/n running and playing around in the garden, she started heading inside, after a while there was a knock at Mr. Kim's door,

With Y/n

Y/n slowly opened her eyes when crystal started licking her face she found herself still outside where she had fallen asleep the tree above her was slightly blocking the sun light, Crystal nudged a stick closer to Y/n, Y/n pick it up understanding what the dog wanted,

"You wanna play fetch," she asked gaining approving barks from the dog, she played a couple rounds with crystal before crystal decided it was a lot more fun to chase Y/n around, Y/n giggled happily as she ran away from the dog, Jin, Namjoon, Ho-seok had to go to the office for an important meeting Yoongi was in his home studio while Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were playing games in their gaming room.

After Y/n was tired, she stopped running,

"i want to go and see Appa I haven't seen him all day, Jin Oppa said he was in his office, do you want to come with me?" she asked the dog who barked and ran back outside, she went upstairs to her Appa's study and knocked on the door

"Come in," he said in a normal voice, just then he saw his little baby peek her head into his office a smile adorned his face as Y/n walks in, she ran to her Appa and hugged him tightly, he chuckled and lifted her to his waist like a baby, even thou Y/n is fifteen, to him he will always be his cute little munchkin,

"My baby monkey what's wrong?" he asked patting her head

"I miss you," she pouted and he laughed

"Baby, we are in the same house we saw each other this morning," he said reminding her of the incident with Namjoon earlier today

"But you've been in your study since," she said, and Mr. Kim didn't say anything

"Appa loves his work more than me," she said in a fake sad tone with wobbly lips which Mr. Kim fell for and thought she was about to cry

"Hey, don't cry sweetie, see now Appa is done work and will show all his love to his princess, so don't cry. How about we have some father daughter time," Y/n smiled and nodded eagerly,

 "Have you had lunch?" he asked and she shook her head as no

"Lunch first and we'll decided what to do next Okay. I'll feeds you today," he said making her really happy, he carried her downstairs and asked the maids to serve lunch for Y//n, they served it, and Mr. Kim made Y/n sit on his lap, even though at first, she refused saying she was too heavy, but Mr. Kim assured her that she wasn't.

"Appa have you also had lunch?" Y/n asked sitting on Mr. Kim's laps while resting her head on his chest and Mr. Kim shook his head

"Let me feed you first and then I'll have my lunch," he said but Y/n refused

"No Appa, let's eat together, you feed me, and I'll feed you," Y/n said in a you don't have a choice tone and quickly stood up and went to the kitchen to grab and extra spoon, Mr. Kim shook his head a, small smiled tugging at his lips as Y/n ran back to him and sat on his laps.

They both started feeding each other, the maids and other works saw their interaction and smiled, ever since Mrs. Kim BTS's real mother died, it was like the happiness in all of them died, their boss nor his sons never smiled, they always had a cold face on, especially his sons, they became ruthless, heartless, cold mafia's, they always expect perfection, one mistake, and you are dead.

But ever since Y/n came, they noticed changes, even with Yoongi, Ho-seok, Taehyung and Jimin, there was more laughter in the mansion, they were teasing, laughter, and goofing around like they used to. Even though sometimes, Yoongi, Ho-seok, Taehyung and Jimin bully Y/n she never once complained to Mr. Kim, because she was afraid to ruin their relationship, the workers saw it, how they would show hatred towards her, they always feel pity for the poor girl but never once said anything because they knew the consequences.

Both father and daughter were enjoying the moment, but somebody wasn't liking it, she wasn't liking the way Y/n smiled with happiness, it was none other than Mrs. Choi Y/n's mother.

"Y/n get off your father's lap,' she said sternly causing Y/n to flinch hard as she saw her mother glaring at her, she immediately stood up.

"Don't you know you are heavy, his lap must be hurting," she scolded Y/n while Y/n just looked down in fear

"Jagi it's fine i asked her to sit on my lap, so i can feed her then again she's not heavy at all," he said but Mrs. Choi argued back

"Honey, she can feed herself she's not a baby," Mrs. Choi glared at y/n, Mr. Kim sighed noticing how uncomfortable Y/n was getting, everything was all fine before Mrs. Choi came, but the moment she showed her bitchy face she ruined their father daughter moment

" It's okay Y/n sit down and eat after that we'll watch a movie," he said patting her head, but Mrs. Choi butts in

"Movie? No. You are not watching any movie you have to study for your exams, they are coming up next week," Mrs. Choi said

"Jagi leave her, it's just a movie, she can study after that," Mr. Kim said 

"No, she's, my daughter. I know what's best for her and she never studies, she always irresponsible and she wasn't in school for a long time, so she has a lot of catching up to do," Mrs. Choi said, Mr. Kim had to agree with her Y/n did miss a lot of school, he sighed

" Finish your lunch and go and study, we'll have it another time, okay?" 

"Yes Appa," she said in a sad tone, Mr. Kim kissed her forehead and left the dining room heading upstairs, Mrs. Choi smirked and walked towards y/n before grabbing her chin harshly, making her (Y/n) look at her

"You little slut, dare to bring bad grades to me and I'll lock you in the basement," she said digging her nails into Y/n's skin drawing a bit of blood in the process.

"I won't," Y/n said in a small voice, as tears came to her eyes, Mrs. Choi smirked in satisfaction, unknown to her that someone was seeing all their interactions. She lets Y/n go and goes upstairs, leaving Y/n on the verge of tears, as she stands up from the table picks up her remaining food and takes it to the kitchen, the maids help her pack it into the fridge while Y/n goes to her room.

On her way she spots Yoongi look straight at her, but she ignores him and walks into her room locking the door behind her, she harshly wipes the tears in her eyes, and seats at her study table and starts studying.

To be continued...............................................

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