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A/n's POV

A satisfied smirk grew on Dae-Yoon's face, he gripped her chin harder causing tears to roll down Y/n's face, he leaned down to her neck and took a huge sniff of her scent, he sighed in a satisfaction, While Y/n just stood there in horror. She wanted to scream but she knew better than that, she knew that before anyone would arrive to save her, he would have done something that she would never forget.

"You smell so good, just like i remember," he said in his deep voice causing Y/n to shake more,

"P-please," was all she could say but he ignored her pathetic pleads and continued to sniff her like a dog, he slowly moved up to her jaw, Y/n shook even more as he was about to connect their lips, he got closer and closer and closer, their lips slightly brushing an against each other, when

Boom, the door burst open. Scared it was a teacher they both turned their heads to look at who he was,

It was Dae-woo, he stood there panting heavily as he tried to analysis the situation, Y/n was pinned to the wall by his brother, 

"Are they making out?" he thought to himself but quickly discarded the thought when he saw Y/n's scared face, she was shaking really bad, His brother's tight grip on her chin, tears were flowing from her eyes as she looked at him with pleading eyes, Dae-Yoon was pissed at his brother for ruining their moment, 

"Fuck," he cursed as he reluctantly let's go of her and storms away bumping shoulders with Dae-woo,

Y/n's legs wobbled trying their very best not to collapses under all the pressure she was on right now, it felt like her entire world was crashing on her right now, just when she thought things were getting better her Ex showed up, why? why all she wants is to be happy is that too much to ask?

Dae-Woo slowly approached her, he placed his hand on her shoulder causing her to flinch badly as she pushed him away grabbed her bag and ran from there,

"Wait!," he called out but she was long gone, he quickly stood up running after her, he entered the halls and due to the large number of students passing by he lost her, he started running around looking in every class but he couldn't find her anywhere. 

"Where did she go?" he mumbled to himself reaching the backyard of the school, suddenly out of the corner of his eye he spotted a black bag pack laying on the floor beside a tree, it looked very similar to Y/n's but he couldn't tell if it was her's due to the distance.

Slowly her started approaching the bag, the closer he got, the clearer it sounded. at first, he wasn't sure but now he knew, they were sobs. he reached the tree and there she sat legs to her chest, face buried in between as her chest rose as dropped in an unsteady rhythm, sobbing sounds followed. Very carefully he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, she flinched away from him and cried even more,

"N-no p-p-please don-n't h-hurt me," she said through her tears her body shaking badly, seeing her like this tugged a string in his heart, without thinking he pulled her into a tight comforting hug. At first Y/n struggled trying to break free from his grip thinking it was Dae-Yoon, but Dae-Woo refused to let go so she just ended up giving up,

"Shhh it's okay I've got you," he whispered calmly into her ear, and hugged her tightly

From behind some bushes: *Click click* (Camera shots)

Time skip

Dae-Woo hugged Y/n for the rest of lunch once the bell for lunch went, Y/n separated from him and he let go, she picked herself off the ground and grabbed her bag,

"Thank you for accompanying me," she was about to bow but he stopped her

"No need that what friends are for," she gave him a confused look

"F-friends?" she stuttered out the word, she had never had a friend before the kids at her old school would usually ignore and bully her, they would call Y/n mean names and would always get her in trouble with the principal who ends up calling Mrs. Choi, who also hates Y/n and will punish her for the slightest mistake.


Y/n-12 years old

"Hi loser," a loud high pitched voice yelled from behind Y/n, hearing it she gulped down hard on her saliva, she very slowly turned around and saw Hannah and her group approaching her, Hannah is 13 years older a year older than Y/n they used to be bestfriends but their parents have beef with each other. in order to help her (Hannah) parents Hannah bullies Y/n. Y/n is very shy speaks to no one so has no friends basically a nerd loner.

She's too scared to speak up for her self and people usually take advantage of her,,

"Anyways have you done my home work?" Hannah asked and Y/n shook her head

"What?! the fuck do you mean no you little rascal?" Now Hannah was mad, she hated it when Y/n disobeys her

"P-please it was too ha-" Y/n was caught off by a harsh slap that landed on her left cheek, her weak body fell to the ground, a painful grunt escaped her lips as tears came to her eyes blurring her vision

"I-i'm sorry," Y/n apologized looking down in guilt but Hannah wasn't ready to listen.

"Save it I want my assignment done in the next fifteen minutes, or you know the consequences" Hannah said and started walking away

Y/n just started at her disappearing with a saddened expression, she went to her class got out Hannah's note book and started doing her home work.


"Friend help each other, fight and protect each other, that's what I did so friends?" he said and starched his and out for an handshake, she stared at his hand fir a second,

"can I think about it?" she asked in a timid voice scared that she might anger Dae-woo, who simply just Smilies at her

"Of course, now let me walk you to class,"

To be continued............................................

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