- Chapter 1: Unfamiliar Territory -

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"Ready to go?" the pink-haired boy starts.

"Whadya say?" he says enthusiastically, his amber-brown eyes sparkling.

Currently, the four of us are all sitting at a square wooden table located inside one of the study rooms of the library at Sugisawa Municipal High School. Shortly after attending the school, I learned of the Occult Research Club. It really intrigued me, considering my ability to see weird and scary things lurking around the school. Nobody else but me can see them, though.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my name being called.

"Kira? Hey...you ready?" The pink-haired boy questions.

I look around to see him and my two other friends, Sasaki and Iguchi looking at me inquiringly. I put on a determined face and took a deep breath.

"Ready Yuuji," I say confidently with a determined face.

Yuuji looks at the table with a look of total concentration.

"Okay...Go!" He lurches forward on the table, all of our fingers placed on the small wooden planchette as we wait in anticipation.

"Spirit Gods! Spirit Gods! Which creature is the Council President barely weaker than?!" Yuuji says while grinning. All of our smiles widen as we await our answer. I lean forward onto the table to get a better look at the board in front of us.

It was Yuuji's idea to play around with the Ouija board. Although this is nothing compared to the terrifying creatures that I see around the school, it was still super fun. Even though I think Ouija boards are absolutely ridiculous, I still enjoy hanging out with my new friends.

Suddenly, the wooden planchette begins to move around the board, landing on various words!





We all burst out laughing at this revelation.

"A Sea Angel's tougher?!" Yuuji howls in laughter. I giggle at his hilarious impression of a Sea Angel as he flaps his arms and kicks his legs.

I shake with laughter, "Really? A Sea Angel?! Oh man, this is hilarious!" I wipe my tears as I try to recover from the hilarious situation. Meanwhile, Sasaki and Iguchi are having a ridiculously hard time trying to contain their laughter, as tears run down their faces. I feel warmth spread throughout my body as I see my new friends so joyful and carefree.

Suddenly the door slams open and a voice yells, "Occult Club!!"

We all turn to see the Council President with a not-so-amused expression on his face. He is wearing a black school uniform, and small, square-framed classes. His brown hair is cut short, minus the little cow lick at the top. He strides over to the small brown table we are sitting at with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Hey! Plankton President~," Yuuji says with a grin. He turns in his chair and places his elbow on the backrest lazily.

"What's up?" He says smugly with a huge grin on his face.

The brown-haired man slams a piece of paper on the table. I look at it curiously, wondering what it could possibly say. I hope it's nothing bad, I think nervously.

We all lean forward to get a look at the paper. At the top, it says "Notice".

"Huh? What's this?" I say nervously.

"Well...as you were previously informed, a research club with no real activities must forfeit its club room," the president begins. "So vacate now!" He says indignantly.

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