- Chapter 3: A New Hope -

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My eyes widen as I stare at Fushiguro in complete horror, "No! You can't!" I plead with Fushiguro, but he keeps his eyes fixed on Yuuji.

"No. Really. I'm feeling fine." Yuuji says casually as he raises his arms in surrender.

"See?! He's fine, Fushiguro!" I scream.

The markings begin to disappear on Yuuji's skin, "Yep. Plus we're both pretty beat up," The markings are completely gone now. "Shouldn't we see a doctor or something?" He asks.

Fushiguro doesn't answer. It's a tense and quiet atmosphere. I'm too afraid to say anything else as if expecting Fushiguro would kill Yuuji on the spot. His eyes are narrowed as he looks at Yuuji. He has a faint sense of disbelief that he even let his guard down around Yuuji in the first place.

Suddenly all our thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

"What's the situation?"

We all look over to the source of the voice and see a man wearing all black. His top is similar to Fushiguro's, with a tall and wide collar with buttons that go all the way down. The strangest part of the man is the black blindfold completely covering his eyes. He has completely snow-white hair that sits like a huge poof on the top of his head. His expression is unreadable, as it is hard to tell with half of his face covered.

"Gojo-sensei?!" Fushiguro gasps incredulously. His shadows dissipate around him as they evaporate in thin air. "What are you doing here?"

"Yo!" Gojo smiles and waves at Fushiguro. "I wasn't planning on showing up, but you got kinda roughed up kid!" The white-haired man pulls out his phone with a huge grin on his face. "I'll show the second years. Say cheese!" He laughs as he rapidly takes pictures of Fushiguro from as many angles as he can.

"I got an earful from the higher-ups," Gojo begins. "Cause this special grade cursed object is still missing. Thought I'd do a little sightseeing and stop by." He mindlessly looks down and scrolls on his phone. I nervously stand there and fidget with the hem of my black hoodie.

"So, you find it yet?" He puts his phone down to look at Fushiguro, a smile still on his face.

Yuuji awkwardly raises his hand, "Uh...sorry but...I ate that thing."

Gojo just stares at him with a speechless smile, "really?"

"He did." Fushiguro and I both say at the same time.

"I did." Yuuji says with us.

The white-haired man tilts his body to the side as if trying to get a better look at Yuuji.


He slowly steps closer to Yuuji so that he's almost mere centimeters away. He puts his hands on his hips and bends down closer to Yuuji's height. That's when I notice how tall this man really is. He had to be over six feet!

"Hmmm....?" He examines Yuuji intensely with his hand on his chin in thought. Eventually, after what felt like centuries, he chuckles. Somehow, though it seemed impossible, he somehow got even closer to Yuuji. This caused Yuuji to have to move backward so that the man wouldn't hit him with his face. This man has an air of confidence about him.

"Damn...it really did combine with you!" He smirks. "That's hilarious."

He finally steps back, "Anything weird about your body?" he asks Yuuji.

"Nah, seems okay." Yuuji says as he looks down at his body.

"Can you swap with Sukuna at will?"


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