- Chapter 12: On My Own -

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"Definitely a curse womb...our window verified that about three hours ago." Ijichi says with a grim expression. "Once ninety percent were evacuated, a decision was made to seal off the center. All citizens within a five hundred meter radius have been evacuated as well." He looks off to face the dark and desolate looking building.

Yuuji, Nobara, Megumi, and I all stand in silence as we listen to the dark haired man explain the situation. Rain beats down on our heads and shoulders hard, further strengthening the dark and gloomy atmosphere.

Suddenly, the pink-haired boy speaks up. "I...uh...have a question?" he raised his hand slightly, gaining the attention of Ijichi. I turn my attention over to him, wondering what he has to say.

"What is this 'window'?" he wonders.

Ijichi's solemn face turns towards him, "It's an inhouse term for unique members of Jujutsu Tech who can see curses. But they aren't sorcerers." He explains.

"Oh, okay."

"So...they just work for Jujutsu Tech?" I follow up.

Ijichi nods, "Correct. Sorcerers aren't the only ones involved in the jujutsu world." The dark-haired man puts his arms behind in back, "Lets continue..."

"Detainee block two; at present, five detainees are still inside, along with the curse womb. If the curse womb is the type that metamorphosizes, we predict it will become a special grade cursed spirit." He says grimly.

"Hey so...I still don't really understand what this "special grade" means...?" Yuuji interjects suddenly.

Megumi and Nobara both scoff in annoyance and glance over to him.

"Basically," the older man explains, "special grade is basically the strongest grade there is. It means we can expect a very strong curse spirit to emerge."

I gulp in fear. This wasn't supposed to happen! They really expect us to do this?!

"That is bad!" Yuuji tightens his fists.

"Normally, a sorcerer on par with the curse spirit would handle this," Megumi explains. "In this case, that would have been Gojo..."

"That figures..." Yuuji's brow furrows, before turning to look around. "So...where is Gojo then...?"

"Away on business" Megumi simply states. "A guy like him has better things to do than loaf around the school in the first place..."

I turn my head to the ground. For some reason, Gojo's absence stings more than I thought it would.

The older man's voice brings me out of my thoughts, "Unfortunately, we're often shorthanded in this business. You'll often have to take missions beyond your expertise." He pauses to adjust his glasses, "However, this current cause is an urgent one and most abnormal. So no matter what, don't fight. And if you should encounter a special grade...you run or you die."

Nobara and Yuuji both gasp in shock. Megumi, however, doesn't look phased at all. Me...well...I'm freaking out on the inside.

Don't fight, run, or you die... The words of the older man ring loudly in my head as I silently panic.

Oh my god! What am I gonna do!? I just got here!! Do they really expect me to go up against a special-grade cursed spirit?!

Is this it...is this really how I die?

"Please do not disregard your fears. And don't forget that your entire mission here today is strictly the verification and rescue of survivors—"

"Excuse me, sir!" A frantic woman's voice rings out. "Please tell me! Where's my son!?" We turn to look at the entrance gate to the juvenile detention center. We see a woman in her mid-forties being held back by the security guards at the gate. She tries frantically to get past them.

Between the Darkness and Light | Satoru Gojo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now