- Chapter 7: First Impressions -

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The train station is a flurry of activity, with people rushing about in a seemingly never-ending flow. On every train passing by, the seats fill up and the people inside are squeezed together like sardines in a can. The sounds of trains passing by and engines chugging along the tracks fill the air constantly, drowning out all other noise. It seems like a frantic mess of noise and chaos, with almost no order. The three of us wait patiently by the platform. Yuuji and I chat casually about almost anything we can think of while Fushiguro waits silently next to us. Gojo said he would meet us here, so we continue to wait for him.

Earlier this morning, Yuuji and I were able to get the uniforms that Gojo ordered for us. Yuuji's is very different than Fushiguro's. Instead of a wide black collar, his uniform has a red hoodie underneath the normal black button-up jacket. The pants are also not as long as Fushiguro's. They only reach the middle of his shins. As for his shoes, he has red sneakers that match the color of his hoodie. Underneath these are long black socks that go all the way under the pants.

My uniform is pretty typical for female students, I assume. I wear a white button-up dress shirt that's tucked into my just above knee-length black skirt. The white button-up is covered by a black jacket that stops just above my waist. The collar of the jacket is not anywhere near as wide or tall as Fushiguro's or Gojo's. It's a small collar that comes up to the middle of my neck. Lastly, I wear semi-see-through black tights under my skirt. I wasn't given any shoes, so I just wore my signature white Converse that I wear every day, as they're the only shoes I own. I think I look pretty good!

Yuuji leans on the railing behind us while speaking to both Fushiguro and I, "How are there only four first years?" He wonders. "That's practically nothing..."

Fushiguro turns his head towards him slowly as Yuuji takes a bite out of the blue popsicle he bought earlier. "Think about it...can you honestly say you've met someone else who sees curses?"

Yuuji smiles, "Yeah. I met Kira!" he jokes as he jerks his thumb back to where I'm standing. Fushiguro just rolls his eyes.

Gojo still hasn't made his way here. I wonder where the guy could be. I hope he hasn't gotten lost or anything...

"Sorry for the wait!" A familiar voice sounds out from above the noise of the crowd. We all look up to see Gojo walking towards us with a friendly smile. Ah, speak of the devil.

He looks so out of place here

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He looks so out of place here. His white hair stands out against the crowd like a sore thumb.

"Gojo-sensei!" Yuji calls, waving at him, visibly relieved. "You weren't lost, right?" He smiles teasingly.

"Of course not..." Gojo chuckles, taking note of the two new uniforms. His smile widens as he looks us up and down, "Ah, I see your uniforms made it in time!"

"Yeah! I got it this morning!" Yuuji smiles excitedly. "It fits great! Though, I noticed it's slightly different from Fushiguro's." He tugs at the red hood around his neck, "Mine's got a hood."

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