- Chapter 5: The Missing Link -

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"Wow!" I exclaim as I look around the room in awe. "This place is huge!" After a brief tour of the school and a few brief explanations of how the school works, Gojo brought me to my new dorm room.

The room was spacious and comfortable. The walls were painted a soft white, creating a calm and welcoming atmosphere. With boxes still scattered around the room, the space has an unfinished feel to it, like a blank slate waiting to be filled. As I look around, I can see the potential of the room waiting to be tapped, the bright walls and soft furniture a canvas awaiting my mark. I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation, ready to explore the possibilities this room holds. With a few thoughtful decorations and the right touch of personality, this room could become my own.

Gojo leans against the doorframe and watches my excitement with a soft smile.

I walk around the room, taking it all in. I touch the walls, and the furniture, and imagine what I could do with it. Maybe I could decorate the walls with colorful paintings or murals? Or perhaps I could add some colorful wallpaper strips to the room? I can't wait!

But...if only I had the money...

Truth be told, the items in these boxes scattered around me are all of my belongings. When I was...well...at my previous home...grandpa was only able to afford so much. I can't get too ahead of myself...

"So, what do you think?" Gojo asks me, his voice playful.

I turn around and grin widely. "It's everything I always wished for!" I exclaim happily. "Thank you!"

I run over to him and wrap myself around his body, pressing my face against his chest as I cling to him. He laughs as he hugs me back, wrapping his arms around me as he pulls me close to his body.

I quickly let go of him when I realized what I just did. I cough nervously, "Uh...I'm sorry about that. I got a little too excited. Forgive me..." I bow respectfully to him.

Did I really just hug him?! What the hell is wrong with me!?

He chuckles, and I can tell he's genuinely amused by how embarrassed I am. "Ah, don't worry about it. I thought it was cute."

He looks at me with a playful grin as he ruffles my hair. "Now..." His voice becomes more serious. "I have some things I need to do really quick. I'll leave you to unpack." His smile returns, "But don't worry, it won't take long. I'll be back later, sound good~?"

"Uh...y-yeah..." I stammer, a blush overtaking the pale complexion of my skin again.

I am such a damn moron. I can't believe I hugged him. I really can't.

I watch as he turns to walk out of the room, a warm smile still lingering on his face. I take a long, deep breath, before turning my attention towards the boxes scattered around my dorm. I guess I should at least start unpacking, right?

My fingers trail against the cardboard as I walk up to the nearest box. I look at the tape sealing it shut and the labels stuck on the side.

Hmm...let's see...what's in this box?

I turn the box upside down and try peeling the tape from the top, but it just snaps and won't peel away.

"Oh, darn it..." I grumble and pull out my key, sticking it under the edge of the box and popping the top open. I see the familiar pattern of my comforter and bed sheets. I dump them onto my bed and begin to make the bed like I normally do.

As I work, I can't help but think over the events that have happened today. From fighting a cursed doll to learning that I possess some weird ability to control curses to now being admitted into Jujutsu Tech–-there's so much in my head that I can barely process it all.

Between the Darkness and Light | Satoru Gojo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now