- Chapter 6: A Reassuring Revelation -

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After several hours, I awaken from my well-needed sleep. The moment I start moving, I'm aware of an ache in my back and a headache in my mind.

Must be from the events of yesterday...

I try to wipe the sleep out of my eyes, but that headache is persistent. My eyes feel strained and red. I feel like a hammer is tapping away at my skull, so I rub my eyes harder to try and get rid of the ache. That seems to help.

"Well, someone's awake." A familiar voice comes from beside me. I turn to see Gojo leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed in a relaxed manner. His voice brings me back to the present moment, making my mind clear and sharp enough to feel the headache that had been plaguing me slowly fade.

"Uh...how long have you been standing there...?" I scratch my head with a puzzled face.

Does this guy not know what privacy is...?

Gojo shrugs, his mouth pulling into a playful grin as he steps away from the doorframe and crosses the room towards me. "I've been standing here for about ten minutes," He adds, teasing me. "You looked a lot more peaceful when you were sleeping, just so you know."

"Oh, shut it..." I mutter with a blush, rubbing my head to disguise the fact that he just caused my face to heat up. What an obnoxious man.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here this early in the morning?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh, just checking in..." He replies with a chuckle, casually leaning against the nearby wall with his hands behind his head. His easy personality is irritating but somehow endearing in a way. "Also, there's someone I want to introduce you to."

"Really? Who?" I ask with raised eyebrows, not quite sure who is so important that Gojo feels the need to introduce them to me this early in the morning. But hey, I can't be too picky. I'm just grateful to be here.

"You'll find out soon enough," Gojo replies with that same playful grin on his face. "Just follow me."

He's being oddly mysterious about this "mystery person," and it makes my mind run a thousand miles a second. But I don't complain and get up to follow him out of my dorm room. Suddenly, I'm overly aware of my current attire. I'm still in my pajamas! My pink and white Hello Kitty bottoms and oversized white t-shirt to be exact. Right in front of my new teacher. And now I'm walking into the hallway to meet this mystery person!

Oh, great, now I look ridiculous! Damn it, why couldn't I have worn normal clothes instead of wearing this?

After a few minutes of walking in silence, he stops in front of a door and knocks loudly and obnoxiously. 'Why couldn't he have done that for me?' I think miserably.

After a moment of waiting, the door opens and a tired and irritated Fushiguro appears. His spiky black hair is tussled from what must have been a restless sleep. He's dressed in a baggy black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I also notice that he's wearing slippers on his feet.

"What is it, Gojo?" He asks impatiently, his tone low and dark.

The white-haired man's grin widens further and he says in a sing-song voice, "Good morning to you too, Megumin~!"

I smile shyly at the raven-haired boy, clasping my hands behind my back, "It's great to see you're doing better, Megumi."

Fushiguro's cold demeanor falls momentarily. "I'm doing fine, thank you."

Gojo laughs, "See what I mean? This kid is always so grumpy in the morning." He nudges me with his elbow playfully. This guy is never serious, it seems.

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