- Chapter 11: A Friend's Support -

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It's a beautifully cool Sunday afternoon, so Nobara dragged me to go shopping with her. It's not that I'm opposed to shopping, but I've never really had a lot of money before so shopping is not something I'm entirely used to. However, we get an allowance for completing missions so what better way to spend it than to go shopping?

Nobara and I are becoming pretty close friends now. She's got a pretty wild nature, but it's one of the things I like the most about her.

In the middle of a large market, I can hear Nobara's voice. She's haggling with one of the vendors. "That's insane! I'm not paying that price."

"But the material is so soft! The stitching is incredible! This scarf is like a work of art, a true masterpiece!" The vendor replies, trying his best to defend the price of the scarf he's selling.

Nobara simply grins defiantly and crosses her arms. "I don't care how soft it is or how skilled you are at stitching! This is crazy expensive." I begin to walk up to the two with an amused smile.

"It makes you look more beautiful. It suits you perfectly, like a painting by Van Gogh." The vendor smiles charmingly, trying his best to charm his two customers.

Nobara rolls her eyes and mutters, "You're not going to sweet talk us into buying it."

The vendor continues, "But you'll look great in this scarf. Not just because it's a piece of art, but because it'll enhance your natural beauty." However, the light-brown-haired girl isn't convinced.

The vendor turns to me, "How about you then? You're already such a beautiful young lady, this scarf would only enhance your beauty!"

As I hear the vendor say this, I try to hold back my blush and laugh nervously, trying my best to act as if he didn't just compliment me.

"Oh, uh...thank you, but I think I'll pass..." My eyes instinctively dart to the price tag on the scarf. 18,000 yen...but it's really pretty though...

My thoughts are interrupted by the feeling of Nobara grabbing my arm and pulling me away. "We said no thanks!" With that, we leave the market area and return to the less crowded streets of Shinjuku.

"What a piece of work..." Nobara sighs and places her hands behind her head as she walks. I walk beside her, smiling softly. I look down at my hands and fiddle with them mindlessly. After a few minutes of me and her walking in silence, I decide to break the silence and ask her something.


"Hm?" She replies. She glances at me curiously.

"How are you so confident?" I ask softly. I keep flicking my eyes down and away from her as if in a nervous habit.

"Confident?" She asks, smiling playfully. She lets out a light laugh and turns her eyes back to the road. "I don't think I'm that confident...I'm just being myself."

"But you're always so comfortable and outspoken, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so, huh?" She chuckles and nods, "I guess I never let anything get to me. But to be honest, sometimes I wonder if I'm being too reckless, you know?"

"Yeah..." I trail off, "Maybe I have the opposite problem. I'm always second guessing myself...

"I honestly wish I was more like you..." I look at her with a kind smile. As I trail off, my words seemed to prompt something in her. She stops abruptly, spinning on her heels to face me. She stares intently, a concerned look on her face.

"You're not trying to become like me at all, right? Stop acting like my shadow!" she says, her tone sharp. I bring my hands up in defense, a puzzled and slightly fearful look on my face. Did I say something offensive?

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