- Chapter 10: An Overwhelming Presence -

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The sun streams through a window, casting a warm glow upon the room. The light shines upon the baby pink sheets of my bed, my desk, and my dresser. The delicate curtains are sheer and elegant, adding a touch of gracefulness to the space. As the light filters in, rainbows are cast upon the walls, adding a vibrant and cheerful touch. The sun's light shines into the room, illuminating it with a sense of calm and serenity. The childish decor is evident here as well. There are some plushies and figurines, creating a youthful atmosphere. The window and the curtains are like the backdrop of a painting, showing the warmth and beauty of life. The room is a mix between childlike and elegant, a blend that shows a playful side and a sophisticated side.

My grandpa's sword is sheathed and lies against the wall, acting as a symbol of protection almost. The picture of my mother is on my dresser, like a reminder of the past and a connection to who I am today.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I roll over, bleary-eyed and tired, before sitting up with a yawn. I glance at the clock on the nightstand with a blink. 8:21 a.m. Groaning, I pull myself out of bed, wrapping the light pink duvet around my shoulders before making my way over to the door. I wrap my hand around the handle and open it, surprised to find Gojo standing outside. He's in his usual outfit – a black button-up jacket with a high, wide collar, black pants, stylish black dress boots, and of course, his signature black blindfold.

"You ready for your first lesson?" He grins, his face bright and eager.

"Absolutely!" I say with a bright smile, pulling the duvet off my shoulders and tossing it aside, "Let's go!"

"Great!" Gojo's grin widens in response to my excitement, "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept great!" I grin. I glance at him shyly, wondering if I should mention the strange sensation flowing through my veins. I decide to keep that to myself for now. "Did you sleep well too?" I ask with a kind smile.

"I did," Gojo answers with a thoughtful gaze, and I glance down for a moment. When I look back at him, I see his expression has changed slightly. It's hard to pinpoint because of the blindfold, but there's a hint of worry in his smile. I wonder if he's thinking about the cursed spirit that I consumed.

"We're going to train for a while today. So, you should change into something comfortable" he adds with a grin, "Not that I don't think you look cute in those Hello Kitty pajamas~" He teases.

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment and I instinctively try to cover my face with my hands. It's embarrassing, but in a way that makes me want to smile. I turn away from him, my cheeks flaring with red.

"T-thanks...I'll go c-change. I probably look like I just slept for eight hours--oh, I did! Anyways...I'll be right back!" I reply with a nervous laugh, pulling the door shut and heading inside my room. I lean against the wall and place my hand over my heart, sighing heavily.

Why does he keep doing that? Does he really think I'm cute...? He really needs to chill out with these compliments! We've only known each other for like a few days! Plus he's my teacher!

Still...I don't exactly hate it...

I quickly brush those thoughts away and change into a loose black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I slip some black ankle socks on as well as my white Converse. I sit on the floor as I lace them up, making sure to double knot it like I usually do.

Gojo's waiting when I step out of my room, his expression impassive. It's a little hard to read him with the blindfold over his eyes, but something about his grin makes me feel butterflies in my stomach.

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