- Chapter 2: Into The Fire -

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"Are talismans that easy to open up?" Yuuji questions as he, Fushiguro and I are running to the school. I pant as I try to keep up with the two boys. The fact is, I'm not actually that athletic. I never was. But the adrenaline coursing through my veins from the thought of something happening to my newfound friends is enough to keep me going. I have to do something.

"No, it's impossible for those without cursed energy...normally." Fushiguro replies, keeping his face forward.

A few cars pass us by as we run down the street. It's completely dark now, save for the few dimly lit streetlights and the bright headlights of the occasional car passing by. I try to increase my speed to keep up with them.

Yuuji suddenly veers to the right down a road that leads up a steep hill, "Go right here! Shortcut!" he shouts.

Fushiguro and I follow him as we increase our pace to keep up with the pink-haired boy.

"This time the object itself is too strong and its seal is ancient. It might as well be plain paper!" Fushiguro grunts out.

My eyes widen, "Wait! S-so...that means they'll...be able to take...the seal off?!" I pant as my face turns into a horrified expression.

Fushiguro looks back at me and nods slightly, "That's what I'm worried about."

"I still don't...get all this stuff about curses!" Yuuji says breathlessly.

We round the corner of the road. Our footsteps echo across the thick lines of trees on either side of us. I can barely see two feet in front of me, as the shortcut that Yuuji brought us on is void of any light. No streetlights or buildings for a few miles. Suddenly, the sight of the large concrete building of Sugisawa Municipal High School fills my vision. We're almost there...just a little longer!

I'm already out of breath. I'm trying hard to ignore the way the other two are so far in front of me. My legs burn. I'm tired. However, the adrenaline in my veins keeps me going. I can't stop now!

"Is that the building? Where are they?!" Fushiguro grunts out.

"Fourth floor!" Yuuji and I yell out in unison.

Eventually, we see the school building in the distance. It's big and imposing, a place that normally would be full of knowledge and learning. But right now, my mind is filled with something else: fear.

Yuuji suddenly comes to an abrupt stop, hitting something hard but invisible. It's as if there's a wall in front of us that's stopping us from going forward. My heart sinks.

"Woah...what is this pressure?"

Fushiguro steps forward, grabbing Yuuji by the shoulder and pushing him aside.

"I'll handle this," he says with a determined face.

He walks forward, past the seemingly tough, but invisible barrier. It's like it doesn't affect him at all! He walks to the wooden gates of the entrance of the school and jumps over it with ease. Once he reaches the top, he stops when he hears Yuuji's voice.

"Oh, no way! I'm coming!" Yuuji says, his voice filled with determination. "I may not know those two that well, but...but they're friends! I have to help!" He pleads.

Fushiguro ignores him and jumps to the other side of the fence, looking back at us. We can both only see half of his face, a prominent scowl on his face.

"You two are staying here." He says forcefully, and with that, he takes off towards the building. Yuuji and I are left alone now.

Yuuji begins to pace around, obviously unhappy with the idea of not going with Fushiguro to save our friends. I suddenly begin to feel a little helpless. Our friends need us...yet we can't do anything. I don't exactly feel comfortable with leaving Fushiguro to save them, no matter how capable he is. I stare at the invisible barrier, determined to get to the other side. If Fushiguro could do it, surely we can as well.

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