- Chapter 8: The Trial Run -

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We all stare at the ominous building in shock. Well, not all of us. Fushiguro and Gojo look like they were expecting something like this. I did too...but not something this scary. The building is tall and ominous. It wouldn't have looked too bad if it weren't for the strange purple aura emanating from the building.

...This is going to be dangerous. I think to myself as I stare at the building. It looks like a large warehouse from afar. However, at a closer glance, it looks extremely old and abandoned. The strange purple aura is unnerving and almost overwhelming. It's clear that there's something sinister about the place.

How are we supposed to handle this?!

"There's a curse here." Fushiguro's voice sounds from beside me. He sounds matter of fact.

Nobara shouts at the white-haired man, "You liar!"

"Yeah! This isn't Roppongi!" Yuuji shouts with his hands over his face.

"It's a cruel move to toy with country folk!" Nobara shoves her finger into Gojo's chest angrily. He just laughs and holds his hands up in mock defense.

For all its creepy aura, the place is completely silent. No sound whatsoever aside from the rustling of leaves in the wind. There's a strange, still silence that settles all around, leaving the only sound to be the wind outside. A place too quiet for comfort. You'd expect the place to have an eerie atmosphere, but not a deadly silent air like this.

"So...a curse lives here...?" I stutter as I scratch my hand nervously.

Gojo just snorts in amusement. This is exactly what he wanted. "Yep! There's a big cemetery nearby. That, plus an abandoned building, and you've got a curse!"

"So...they pop up more often near graves?" Yuuji questions.

Fushiguro turns to the pink-haired boy, "It's not the cemetery itself," he starts. "It's the fact that people associate cemeteries with fear and uneasiness."

My eyes widen as I pipe up, "Right...it was the same for schools too, wasn't it?" I say curiously.

"Wait hold up here," Nobara butts in. "They didn't even know that yet?" She says in disbelief.

Fushiguro explains to Nobara what happened with Yuuji and me, and why we're students here now.

Nobara scoffs in disgust, "He swallowed a special grade cursed object!?" Her eyes widen. "Gross! That's so unsanitary and disgusting! I wanna hurl!" 

She backs away from Yuuji, "No way, No way, NO WAY!" We all stare in amusement at the light brown-haired girl as she backs away from Yuuji as if he's contagious.

Yuuji grimaces in embarrassment. "It's not like I had a choice..." he mumbles.

Nobara snorts and rolls her eyes. "I bet you ate it off the ground."

"That's not nice!" Yuuji interjects.

Fushiguro snorts, "I agree with her."

"H-hey! He didn't have a choice!" I try to defend him, but I end up sounding pathetic. The two teenagers ignore my attempt at an interjection and continue to bicker.

Gojo is still grinning widely, clearly enjoying the drama. As he takes in the scene, his eyes suddenly stop on me. "You okay there, Kira?"

I quickly glance away, feeling self-conscious now that he's focused his attention on me. I don't want him to see how scared I am. I try to play it off, but my fear keeps growing.

"I-I'm okay, Gojo-sensei," I smile shyly as a bluff, though I can't seem to manage a convincing smile.

As if sensing my discomfort, Gojo chuckles, "Don't worry." He says with a reassuring smile, "If anyone can do it, I believe you can." He turns to the ominous building again and clasps his arms behind his back. He speaks up in order to address the whole group now.

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