- Chapter 9: I'm A Curse Eater -

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A sudden burst of chaos echoes through the building, with loud thumps and shouts coming from the second floor.

Yuuji heads for the stairs without a second glance, and I trail behind him, the blue orb still in my hands. I look down as I follow Yuuji, trying to ignore the pounding in my chest. We reach the top floor, which seems to be completely filled with cursed energy.

"There's a lot of cursed energy up here," I pant. "But I can't tell where it is..."

Yuuji stops in his tracks, listening for more noises. His face is stone cold and serious now, his eyes gazing around like he's waiting for something to happen. I can feel the cursed energy growing in the air, becoming more oppressive with each second. Suddenly, I feel a strong amount of cursed energy coming from the wall.

"Yuuji, you feel that too, right?" I ask softly, glancing at him. He looks at the wall in front of us as if sensing the concentrated build-up of energy too.

"It's on the other side..." he mumbles.

Suddenly, he brought his fist back and swiftly plunged it into the concrete wall with a speed that was too fast for my brain to comprehend. Although at this point, I'm used to Yuuji doing crazy things.

"Huh?" The pink-haired boy starts seemingly feeling around for something on the other side of the wall. "I missed?"

Without hesitating, Yuuji plows into the wall with his body, causing a huge explosion of dust and debris. As the dust clears, I notice a huge hole that leads into the space behind the wall. It's another room! Before us stands another curse. This one is smaller than the other one. It's a light brown color and stands on two legs. It's short and round, with a very hairy body. It has two huge eyes on either side of its face protruding from the hair. It has its teeth bared in a huge, unnerving smile. Beyond the curse is Nobara. The brown-haired girl is standing there with her hands up in surrender. That's when I also noticed that the curse in front of us had a small child in its arms. It grabs the boy by the top of his head and jerks him towards us. It seems as though the curse is using the boy as hostage!

Yuuji quickly cuts the arm that holds the boy's head off, purple blood splattering everywhere. The little boy yelps in fear as he is quickly grabbed by Yuuji by the arm. He pulls the boy towards him into his arms and promptly kicks the curse in the face with his foot. The curse flies back with a cry and lands on its back.

I run to Yuuji's side as he smiles at the boy, "You okay, bud?" The boy looks terrified but nods anyway.

I gasp as I notice the curse standing up and clutching its amputated arm in pain. What's worse is that it begins to faze through the window on the wall next to us!

"It's getting away!" I gasp.

"No, he's not!" Nobara suddenly shouts from the other side of the room. Her tone sounds determined. She turns to me, "Kira! Give me that arm!"

I quickly look to the side and notice the severed arm of the curse next to me. Without hesitating, I run and grab it. "Here!" I toss over the arm, and Nobara catches it swiftly with her left hand. She throws it onto the ground in front of her. She pulls out a small object from her belt and throws it on top of the arm. The object seems to be a doll made of what looked to be straw.

The little boy clings to Yuuji in fear, "A straw doll?" he whimpers.

Yuuji hugs the boy to his chest, even looking a little fearful himself, "Creepy..."

I don't say anything. I just watch in awe as Nobara pulls out a nail and a hammer from her belt. Cursed energy flows through her as she begins to ready herself to hit the nail with her hammer.

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