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       While on your quick departure,  the thought of you missing anything in your absence was slim considering what just happened

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       While on your quick departure, the thought of you missing anything in your absence was slim considering what just happened.
As you began your walk home, you caught Emma's silhouette going toward her car down the block. A Lexus UX parked underneath a tree that wept over the car's hood accentuated the little oak leaves that lay upon its white hood.

"Emma, wait a sec!" You called out casually as you quickened your pace, your feet moving almost on autopilot as you sought to catch up with her.

            She halted mid-stride, her back turned faced you. Her posture posed an unanswered question to you, suggesting a haste in her ulterior motives.

"Hey!" You shouted again, except an inch of uncertainty faltered in your voice. The only thing between you two was the road, you hesitated, though your heart whispered for you to close the distance out of sheer curiosity.

"You should get some rest [ Your Name] !" A response finally came out of her after that dreadfully long pause.

            Something felt awry in her typically resolute and assured demeanor. "Im not tired!" You returned, though, you were indeed—tired. Your eyelids and forehead felt heavy; constricted like a headband or a weight balancing on both sides of your temples. But the constant adrenaline pulsing through your veins, distracted you from your throbbing sleep deprivation and the contour of a future that cast in the faded horizon, shattered hopes for normalcy.

          Emma eventually pivoted in your direction with her hands dug into her pockets, "Vell, v'at are you waiting for? Get on over here!" She yelled a Russian accent faltered in her Japanese. She pulled her hand out with the keys that dangled sideways in the wind, and a single locket charm and a mini-instrument amplifier attached.

A faint upturn in her violet-stained lips left the impression that for a moment she returned to her usual self, as you jogged on across the empty street.

"What's the deal? You bailed on the meeting early," You prompted as you slightly scoped out the street in the corner of your eyes out of instinct.

             "I mean didn't you too?" Emma retorted; her words laced with sarcasm. A faint chuckle escaped her lips as she glanced down at her crimson Doc Marten boots, her laughter tinged with a hint of bitterness.

"I'm overthinking a lot lately, that's all." Emma uttered albeit you could not place your finger on why the furrow between her eyebrows revealed more than just overthinking. From across the street to the right you heard people chattering causing you to defensively glance without turning your head. It was just pedestrians, two men dressed in suit attire, likely to be commuting home.

'Yeah, well, that's 'cause we weren't getting anywhere. Everyone needs a breather, I reckon," you offered with a sheepish shrug, accompanied by a smile, as to say, "C'est la vie!" or in brasher terms "Screw it tonight!" but in the end, you could've just resigned with a simple "oh well." That would work too.

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