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Tɦɛ ʄօʟʟօաɨռɢ աɛɛӄ . . .

Yanaka Cemetary

Subject: Operation E̶l̶i̶m̶i̶n̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ killing Light Yagami.

At last, you killed Kira, at the same hour killed Fyodor 5 years ago.

The rain fell gently upon the mourning crowd, like tears shed from the heavens themselves. The black umbrellas opened, shielding the bereaved from the melancholic downpour, as if nature itself conspired to conceal the imminent act about to take place. The air was heavy with a sense of foreboding, transgressing the therefore current brooding of a funeral; as if the very atmosphere held its breath, anticipating the transgressive act you were about to commit that was about to unfold. The imprint of the back of your shoe splattered into the puddle amongst approaching the crowd of mourners. They were arranged neatly in rows of five by five.

60...60...70...80...you counted slowly as counting was sometimes difficult. But your intense focus soon shifted, as your eyes locked onto the back of one particular head.

Light Yagami, the embodiment of malevolence, stood there with an air of arrogance that betrayed his true nature. A man consumed by a God complex, he had orchestrated the demise of his own father in his pursuit of a world where he played judge, jury, and executioner. His light brown hair, a common trait among the Japanese, blended seamlessly into the somber surroundings. Yet, beneath his seemingly ordinary appearance, lay nothing. One without a soul walks among the surrounding guests, wearing a mask of normalcy, his heart a void where empathy should reside.

Beside him stood Misa Amane, a woman you despised almost as much as Light himself. Her blonde pigtails jutted out conspicuously, in comparison to the sea of black and modest attire of fellow attendees stook out like a sore thumb.

You feel your breath hitch, a momentary pause in the relentless march towards retribution. This act, so long contemplated in shadows and whispers, now looms before you in stark reality. The weight of loss, of a life taken unjustly, presses against your chest like a leaden weight.

But there is no turning back. The years of planning, of waiting for this precise moment, have brought you here. Your hand tightens around the cold steel of the weapon concealed within your coat, a tangible reminder of your purpose.

"Alright, just go in there, kill him, and get the notebook. He should have it on him, thinking Near is going to show up. But it's really just Matt in a wig," Mello's voice crackled through the tiny speaker in your ear.

Mello's voice focused in and out of your hearing as you stepped closer, each footfall echoing in the chamber of your mind. The faces around you blurred into insignificance like you were looking through the facets of a diamond, with Yagami's face at its pinnacle.  You are not just a mourner among them; you are the instrument of fate, poised to deliver justice where none had been served. All you could feel was the rush of excitement running through your veins.

"Are you listening? We only have five minutes. Hurry up!" " Mello's voice shattered the illusionary diamond through which you viewed the world, revealing the fractured and unfinished reality beneath.

"And my reward is freedom?" Your voice lingered with suspicion, a reflection of past deceptions and shattered trust.

"Yeah," Mello replied, his voice low and charged with a hint of intrigue. "Now, don't waste time. Kemp set up a spot behind the Yagami family for you and Matt. You'll be right behind Light. Matt's waiting at the dead tree; go with him, play the part."

You met Matt at the dead tree that was around 10 meters away from where the funeral service was taking place. "Ready to crash this party?" He smuggled a smirk, his eyes flickered between the white stringy wig strands.

As you began your descent down the aisle in a subtle manner "We wait for the right moment," Matt muttered" When I give the signal, you make your move."

Behind the podium where the woman, whom you suspected was Light's mother, was crying as she gave a speech, you carefully maneuvered between guests to reach the two seats behind Yagami and Amane. Kemp's gaze briefly grazed over you and Matt; his nose pointed high, adjusting his blazer with meticulous care, before settling back on the solemn scene of the service.

It was showtime.

"Light Yagami," Matt intoned in Near's voice,

The effect was immaculate; Light and Misa turned, Light's face contorted in horror, his carefully constructed facade crumbling like a delicate porcelain doll. Misa, ever the unwitting idiot, mirrored his reaction. In the diversion, Kemp carefully pickpocketed Misa's purse and traded it toward you in a subtle delicate manner.

"Near... I knew you'd make it," Light murmured, his mind already calculating the next move, confident in his ability to manipulate the situation despite the unexpected turn of events.

Beside him, Misa's eyes widened and her shinigami-eyed pupils dilated, flitting between Matt and the name floating above him in eerie clarity. Pregnant with unspoken realization as her jaw just dropped before turning around in silence.

Mello's laughter echoed through the earpiece, a bitter amusement at her innocence. "Could he shut up," you thought to yourself, hand slipping from your pocket, the vial of VX nerve agent concealed within your fist.

Matt cleared his throat, preparing his Near impersonation. "Oh, by the way, your girlfriend dropped her wallet," he said smoothly, prompting Light and Misa to turn towards you. You held out the pink wallet as a guise of goodwill, with the vial hidden beneath it. In exchanging the wallet back, you deftly smeared the lethal substance onto Light's palm.

"Perfect, good work [your name.]" Mello's voice crackled through the earpiece, laden with a brittle triumph that threatened to spill over into laughter.

You nodded, Matt returned the nod, his lips curling into a smirk of pride, swiftly concealed once he masked his lips with his hand and wiped away a phantom tear. "Soichiro was taken from us too soon," he lamented.

Ten agonizing minutes later...

Respectfully and finally, the mourners descended towards the open coffin where Soichiro Yagami lay, unaware of the true identity that had claimed his life.

From a small distance of only behind a few feet behind him, you watched as Light eventually reached the coffin.

Once Light stared down at his father's lifeless body, a chill of disgust coursing through you at his deceitful facade.

It was done.

In an instant, Light fell to the ground, convulsing violently, his hands clutching at his throat, foam spilling from his lips.

"Light! This can't happen! Don't! Stop!" Misa lunged herself at the front, tears cascading down her cheeks as she crumbled to her knees beside him, clutching at his lifeless form, her fingers trembling as they brushed his still limbs. Beside her, Matt feigned resuscitation in the act of a hero. But in reality he slipped the notebook from its place inside Light's blazer, his motions unnoticed amidst Misa's psychotic breakdown and the crowd freaking out.

"Misa, stop please!" you pleaded, trying to pull her away and Light's mother began to panic as well. But Misa fought against you with a raw, desperate fervor, and Light's mom was screaming.

In the distance, the wail of an approaching ambulance grew louder, promising help in mere minutes. But it wasn't an ambulance at all; it was Flint, recently freed from prison in an illegal exchange, and Mello posing as paramedics, swiftly arriving to collect Light's body.

"Let's move," Matt muttered urgently, and you hurriedly trailed after them towards the decoy ambulance, leaving the crowd of mourners in confusion and tears. What a freak "accident."

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