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         It had been two miles, and the ache in your legs was intensifying with each step

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         It had been two miles, and the ache in your legs was intensifying with each step.

"Hurry the hell up!" Mello panted, his pace slowing down as well.

"Maybe I'd be faster if I didn't have two gunshot wounds in my left leg!" You shot back, pulling up your pant leg to reveal the bandage now soaked in blood.

"Shut up! Maybe if you weren't stupid enough to get involved, you'd still be with your colleagues."

With a final yank, Mello pulled you to a garage door of a small two-story house in the suburbs. He retrieved a key hidden inside a stone frog statue in the side garden and fiddled with the lock.

"Get inside," he ordered, loosening his grip on your arm while holding the garage door open. You stumbled inside, collapsing onto your side.

Mello shut the garage door with a soft thud, locking it securely. He lifted his black shirt, revealing the Death Note, and exposing bloody skid wounds and cuts on his side evidence of the explosion's toll. "You, how long have you been working, what is your role?"

You remained silent.

"It won't do you any good staying quiet," he added, grunting as he hunched over a table, pouring liquid onto a cotton swab to tend to his wounds.

"Why are you even keeping me captive at this point?"

"Because you're a useful pawn and you definitely hold information," he replied, turning to face you, his arms crossed, revealing a severe second-degree burn affecting half his face.

"You're burnt really badly," you observed—if it wasn't for the gas masks it could've been a fatal burn.

"I know that."

"I took medical training for a year. I know how to tend to that."

"I'm good," Mello replied bluntly, turning away from you and focusing on the Death Note.

"If you don't tend to it properly, it'll permanently damage your nerves and muscles. I mean, that'd be a shame," you persisted, your voice softer, almost concerned. 'I know I shouldn't be the least concerned about him but he saved me from the explosion after-all...'

Mello paused, the tension in the air thickening. He glanced over his shoulder, eyes narrowing as if weighing your words. With a reluctant sigh, he turned back to you, his hard gaze softening just a fraction.

"Fine. Do it," he muttered, handing you the first aid kit as he knelt down on the garage concrete floor.

You nodded, your hands trembling slightly as you took the supplies. As you gently cleaned the burn, Mello winced, cursing underneath his breath.
He would move once it hurt again and push you away. "You're going to make it worse, why are you digging in it?!"

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