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"Wake up

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"Wake up."The words shattered the silence, jarring you awake. The voice was loud and cold, cutting through the fog in your mind. You forced your eyes open, struggling against the lingering confusion. Standing before you was the man you had seen before... before you slipped into darkness.

"She could be useful," you remembered those last words. The same cold voice echoed in your mind.

"Do you know where you are right now?" The figure, a silhouette against the dim light, moved to the bedside. The room was a dark barren, the air stale. He flicked on a metal side lamp, its harsh glare illuminating the room. Four other shadows loomed around you; their faces partially obscured in the dim light.

Could it be Kira?

Bewildered, you initially mistook him for Kira. But reality hit swiftly.  Everything, all the events sequenced up to now...it was Mello. "No, I do not," Your tone hinted a passive aggressive front. In resistance, you didn't plan on kissing their rear ends.

Uncertain of your location, how many days had passed, whether Nobu was even alive or whether it was day or night, you knew one thing for sure before he even spoke. Nothing but hell laid ahead.

"Apologies for interrupting your convalescence, but you're currently a hostage."

You shifted, feeling the pain in your legs intensify, as you tried to ease the discomfort against the starchy bed covers. The solid ropes binding you to the bed pulled you back into place.

"Really?" you said, feigning surprise as you tilted your head.

"Under my watch," His steely blue eyes locking onto yours, sending a shiver down your spine. He pointed to himself, his hands clad in black gloves. He pulled a metal chair next to your bedside, its legs dragged against the metal floor. Screech..

"Bring out the tools!" he shouted at the four men surrounding you. 'It can't be... Why did I think I could fight them?' You blinked your eyes in stark agony.

"You're going to torture me, aren't you?" you coughed out a dry laugh, trying to mask your fear with mockery.

"Not if you cooperate," Slowly in a dark altitude he replied, as a big bald man—Sho, you recalled—slammed a small surgical tray onto the bedside table.

Your eyes darted to the man standing at the end of the bed—Matt. His hands were buried in his pockets, his eyes lifeless as they looked down at you. Helplessness washed over you as you met the unfeeling gazes of your captors. Then, you noticed the lanky creep you had slashed at Tempozan. His cheek was disfigured, a bruise surrounding the stitches. The awful scar he bore made you think he already figured of the pain he wanted to inflict upon you. And the other man was a nobody, unfamiliar from any reports or files, just strangely calm in the corner.

"Kemp, what happened to the water bucket?" Mello asked almost impatiently, identifying the strange man for you.

Now you had it figured out.The brute was Sho. The slim one was Flint. The strange man was Kemp. And, of course, Matt which you already knew. You were in for a rough ride.

"The water stopped running"

Upon pulling out a chocolate bar from his coat he began to so carefully tear it in a straight line. Something made you think you were the most normal in the room. "Flint go fix the water...quickly."

The room fell completely quiet after the door slammed shut behind Flint's stagger, it all the more made you anxious, the silence ever since a child uneased you. Something about the uncertainty that lie on the other side, of what you can't hear was disturbing. If you listen quietly in complete silence, it was almost like listening to static at first. But after around a few hours in complete silence the human brain will inevitably go insane, but the brain that is precisely creative--or damaged per-say absolutely, it will only take one hour. With what nothingness your brain would have to fill in the blanks somehow? Whispers, tapping, walking, knocking. It was inert not even 10 minutes of being awake and your head began to do just that.

"Now who sent you?" Mello bored into your eyes, but you didn't dare speak. You'd rather die here than betray the Motherland and the values you upheld so firmly.

He sighed and glanced toward Matt who nodded toward him, with a swift take, he grabbed the needle-nose pliers from the tray. 'I should had listened..." You gulped silently. —To Boris..."

'Should have been smarter.'

"Show me those pretty nails of yours~" Struggling against the brute who easily forced your fist open and turned your hand facing downward. Now I will suffer the consequences.

The man's fingers clasped the needle-nose plier at the tip of your nail, though, Mello who was on the edge of his seat. The tension was adrift and his eyes had dilated into passionate expression. Piercingly, small but dilated pupils as a dead stagnant smug twisted on his face. His smugness just hanged there, like he was watching fireworks explode.

'Mello? Do I..? Say something?' Your thoughts raced; The longer he stared at you, it sort of hinged a morbid curiosity,

He simply bit from his chocolate bar, inspecting you closely.

. . .

"I know the true reason Fyodor turned to the communist party."

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