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The force from the crash at the door threw Mello away from your bedside, staggering back before he hit a countertop

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The force from the crash at the door threw Mello away from your bedside, staggering back before he hit a countertop.

A cloud of dust and rubble billowed through the air, obscuring your vision with a gritty haze as chunks of ceiling plaster rained down onto your face.

Tasting the debris hit your lips was like being force fed sand and the bitterness dried up your lungs before repelling it back out.

You coughed again, exhaling the leftover dust from your lips, amongst squinting your eyes there was somebody at the door! He was cloaked in military gear and his face concealed by the black-out helmet over his head an almost knightley figure in modern armor.

"Who are you?!" You shouted out at the man.

He took off the helmet before throwing it on the floor beneath him and stood, his fists clenched. As the mystery beneath the helmet was revealed, shock rippled through the room.

Soichiro Yagami?! The Japanese task force!!

'If it wasn't for the careless, untrustworthy Japanese Task Force, any help would be my last chance out,' Steadily but efficiently you picked at the knots in the ropes bound around your body. And a quick enough friction in the rope's weak points will certainly break its hold, then maybe you could sprint your way out in a minute, just ignore the gunshot wounds and you'll be fine.

"Don't move!" Mello commanded toward both of you holding up a small box with a switch to it.

A thunderous roar erupted from above, shattering through the sound barrier as the walls trembled violently again.

"I just destroyed two of the entrances. Next, I'll bring down the entire building,"

"I won't kill you if you surrender yourself and the girl."
Yoichiro returned but his voice stayed still like a flat line. 'How is he so confident he will he kill him, where is his gun?' As you direly wondered what the hell he was thinking, whether something poignant was about to happen, your senses came into light.
Yoichiro pulled out a black notebook from his side satchel—revealing it to be what looked like a death note.

"Give up Mello. If you want to live, you have no choice but to be arrested. Throw down the switch." 

"HA-haha!?" Manically he laughed.

"You can't threaten me. If you try to write my name down, I'll just press the button."

But why Yoichiro possessed it and yet was about to use it bewildered you. His hands were even trembling holding it.

'It's definitely the Death Note.' You squinted your eyes on its lettering carved [デスノと] in a chalky white. 'Thats...something...'

Yoichiro's gaze drifted above Mello's head, scanning across it in-furrow, a deep red shade illuminating his glare that was so focused, and distraught, like the eyes of a tiger or maybe a black tar addict. But you just couldn't place your finger on it.

'Could it be? It couldn't... but yes, he has the Shinigami eyes.' It turned out to be grave, what was worse than a divine killing book in the wrong hands was shimigami eyes alongside it. 'Kira must had deceived him'

"Yagami..." Mello began, pushing himself off the countertop and taking a deliberate step toward you. You were almost free; just a bit more twisting and pulling, and the final rope would be loose.

"Stop and stay away from the girl!" Yoichiro Yagami barked. Mello halted mid-step, his hand inches from reaching you. "It won't take a second!" He grunted, pulling out a pen as you finally snapped the last rope tethering your left hand to the bed.

"Sorry. I really didn't feel like killing you" Mello muttered, his voice low and almost sympathetic. Before you could bolt, he seized your arm, his grip ironclad. Yoichiro's eyes widened as he saw Mello grab you, and hastily began scribbling Mello's first name. "Yagami...you've never killed anyone before...right?" Mello continued.

'What a uselessly empathic person he is' it was obvious by how terribly long he took to write a single name.
While noticing a big roundish stature . . . lurking in the shadows as he snuck up behind Yagami.
There was no point on wasting the energy to scream because how incompetent Yagami was—fatefully the brute tackled him head first to the concrete in a chokehold.
The notebook! The notebook toppled to the ground alongside their tangling limbs and the Brute's raw force. In no time, Mello scooped it into his possession whilst dragging you along by your arm, it was futile to run or try anything.

Then he tucked it closely onto his back.

"Take this, wear it." Mello urged, shoving you a gas mask. He sprinted out of the room, yanking you along, it felt like your arm socket was going to tear from your shoulder blade.

As you urgently fastened the mask, the clattering of footsteps that flooded the upstairs, just around the staircase.
"This is it, Mello. Hands in the air now and hand over the girl!" An officer commanded from behind the wall, his voice echoing through the hallway. "Eat shit!" Mello laughed. At which point he flicked the red switch. Sending a blinding flash that enveloped the entirety of your vision like the sun was exploding.

For a split second, everything was still like the first raindrop that would splatter against the pavement prior to a big storm before there was a deafening roar and the floorboards shuddered violently beneath your feet. The walls seemed to buckle inward too from the pressure shock but as you were being dragged along, the tight grasp of his warm hand on your arm was much more vivid than the explosion.


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