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Hearing his name, is undifferentiated to getting struck by a jagged bolt of electricity straight into your ears and into your soles

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Hearing his name, is undifferentiated to getting struck by a jagged bolt of electricity straight into your ears and into your soles. Shaking you to your core like your anguished heart was trying to escape.

"How do you know him?"

"I don't,"

"But that's just the kind of organization we are."

"Then why bring him up? What does Fyodor have connected to all this?"

"I just want you to talk more." He said flatly with a small sigh as his eyes lowered to your fingers, firmly gripped in the rough palm of the brute beside him. Sho's pliers still clutched in hand, ready if given permission.

Abruptly, between pauses and so forth interrupting the scene and yourself from talking any further. The deafening crack of a multitude of popping erupted! . . . One after one. Gunshots!

Its sharp noises sounded from what seemed to be above you. 'We must be in the basement,' You thought, slinging your head against the headboard, imagining what was possibly happening upstairs.

"Well, if I'm damned!" Matt's voice barked, him and Kemp ran out headfirst, their backs hunched, and pistols close by. Sho hesitated, his hands trembling as he held the pliers.

"Go. I will stay here." Mello's voice rung out, slapping a hand on the brute's big round back.

           'They will leave me, here I will rot forever, bound to this cot.'
'Just like how you feared elevators as a kid, scared of it breaking at the pit of the shaft, and nobody coming to save you, left to eat away at your fingernails in hunger.
A miserable imagery of your body lain forsaken in the depths of the dingy basement, elicited a surge of tears that blurred your vision, like rivulets of anxiety screaming down your cheeks, tracing the contours of your hollowed cheeks. 'Help'


With no voice on the receiving end, the muscles in your neck strained in the direction of the door and panic surged through your body, the ropes, it squeezed you such as a tight rubber band. And that your body distended into a warped lump of flesh that twisted and fought against its constriction. 'What if abandonment awaits me here—?!'

"Are you kidding me?"

Mello folded his arms.

"They will not hear your pleas behind the commotion— Besides...the ropes are knotted very tight... and even if you miraculously broke free, I'd shoot you in an instant." He would mutter with a scoff at your desperate yet futile attempt for escape.

M's mere scoff was one from a place of condescension and superiority, upon your evident struggle— a single scoff, one that made you tremor.

Once again cracking and popping of gunfire from above sounded in muffles and a couple sharp blasts through the thin yet so distant feeling barrier of the ceiling.

  'It's got to be them, the team, they're here to get me. Maybe Boris shared the leads and they're finally here for me.'

The thought of salvation sparked in your mind, a buoyant change in pace and a grasp for light. . .Subsequently the bulb's hue faltered, and the power shut off, you were plunged into pitch black. Just the two of you.

Mello x Reader ! Love Beyond Law ! [FORBIDDEN LOVE]Where stories live. Discover now