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"SOON," A DEEP VOICE SPOKE IN MITCHELL'S mind. "Soon you will face something you have never trained for. The time has come, little hero, and you will die!"

Mitchell woke with a start, his bare chest heaving. Sweat trickled down his forehead. His blinked, disoriented and scared. He kept having dreams like that since the battle of Manhattan. He kept being told that Kronos was just the beginning, that something stronger was going to take over the world.

He wiped his face with his hand and sat there. He let his eyes adjust to the dark room. His fingers twitched, begging him to stand up and go to see Percy.

Ever since the battle of Manhattan, the two boys had been having serious nightmares. Different possibilities of how the war could've ended; including watching each other die.

It took Percy to sneak into Mitchell's cabin one night with his face stained in tears for the boys to begin their ritual. They would sleep with the other when nightmares occurred, although everytime someone asked, Mitchell would insist that they were only sleeping and nothing else was going on.

As much as Mitchell wished they were doing more in there than sleeping, he was content with just cuddling with Percy. They needed comfort, and since they had been basically glued to each other's side for most of the war, they saw and experienced most of the same stuff.

He stood up slowly and pulled a shirt on. It smelt of Percy. He didn't bother to put a pair of sweatpants or jeans. He was going to straight to Percy's cabin, and then from there he was probably just going to borrow a pair of Percy's pants.

Mitchell snuck out of his cabin slowly, making sure his door didn't decide to creak really loud. He walked barefoot through the grass, a pair of socks in hand because he was not going to bed without them.

He stood in front of the Poseidon cabin. He knocked on the door quietly, "Percy?" He whispered. It was about two in the morning now, so there was a high chance of Percy being passed out asleep.

When Mitchell would spend the night in Percy's bed, or vice versa, he would push down his unrequited feelings and let his head rest on Percy's muscular pecs, or hard abs. He loved being the little spoon, it made him feel protected and safe.

He loved it when Percy would hold his waist and pull him closer. When their noses would brush against the other, and their breaths mingled together. He loved feeling Percy's gentle hands on his rough skin, their contrasting bodies slotting together perfectly, like they were sculpted by the gods to fit.

When there wasn't answer, Mitchell slowly pushed the door open and peaked inside. He furrowed his brow and entered the room. His dinosaur plush was held tightly in his hands, and his hair was a curly mess.

The crisp cold air had Mitchell shivering instead of sweating, which he much preferred. "Percy?" His voice was smaller now, and a little more frightened. He turned the light on, only to see Percy's bed empty.

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