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➾ season 01 episode 02 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐱

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➾ season 01 episode 02
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐱

MY BAGS WERE FLYING behind me as I entered Alfea, fairies were chattering everywhere, and the professors had smiles painted over their faces— well not Griselda but everyone else was excited to be there.

I could recognise the fairies from the first year immediately, they all had the same expression of amusement and excitement as I did. The school was stunning, with bright colours decorating the place. My wavy hair flew behind me and I approached the strict-looking professor who was scolding a girl.

"—you two may come in. NEXT" The strict woman looked at me for a few seconds checking her list before asking, "And who might you be?"

"Lyra from Dyamond" My bags stopped flowing in the air.

The woman checked her list once again, "Ah Princess Lyra there you are, you may enter. NEXT"

I can already tell classes with her would be torture.

ALL THE STUDENTS WERE listening to Griselda as she was introducing us to the rules, I kept finding myself zoning out but her scratchy voice kept reminding me to pay attention. "This school will be your home for the next five years but this home can cease to be yours at any moment, the rules of this institution are based on discipline, disregard the rules and I'll personally escort you to the front gate. This is not a magician school you're not here to learn Hocus Focus consequently you may not use your powers in the hallways—"

I felt like I was in class already and I just walked here ten minutes ago. I silently groaned when the teacher just kept going about the rules about magic, "—Is that clear Princess Stella? Thanks to you and your antics the potion laboratory will not be accessible until next month at the earliest, now I think you know what to do if you wish to stay" the teacher pointed at a blond girl who looked down in embarrassment.

Four other teachers walked in and I crossed my fingers hoping they wouldn't talk as much. "Sorry I'm late I hope you'll excuse me, ladies"

"Here comes your Headmistress girl, attention"

The old-looking woman smiled at us. "Oh there is no need to be so stodgy, I hope Miss Griselda hasn't frightened you too much. Welcome to Alfea, the best fairy school in the whole of Magix– mind you it is also the only one" The headmistress started approaching the school's entrance, "Come on in, ladies here we are and so we begin our orientation session"

The door opened and I almost gasped at the beauty of the place, the headmistress continued, "Becoming a fairy is hard work but I know that everyone here can do it, keep in mind that the teachers and I are always here to help you– okay enough with the boring stuff feel free to explore your surroundings but be very careful there are dangers lurking and stay away from the witches of Cloud Tower.
Alright speeches are over, everyone's dismissed"

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