friends in need

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➾ season 01 episode 07𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝

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➾ season 01 episode 07
𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝

WE WERE ALL WAITING FOR our punishment to be announced by Professor Griselda, but of course, she had to make a whole speech about it for the dramatics. "Your intrusion into Cloud Tower Castle was extremely rude young ladies, you exposed yourselves to great danger that's the reason why your powers have been revoked. It is sufficient punishment for me however sufficient is not enough, now you remember this lesson you will spend the entire day at school and you will clean the castle from top to bottom"

My eyes widened, clean? The whole castle? Now that's gonna take forever.

"Um, the whole castle?" Flora was flabbergasted.

"No, just the stairs, corridors, classrooms and bathrooms" the teacher instructed us.

"Oh well then that's okay I thought it would be worse honestly" Stella joked and I laughed. With a clap of her hands, Griselda conjured some type of cleaning supplies I have honestly never used in my life.

"And since you do not have access to your magic powers for the moment these are your work tools"

"Do we get lessons on how to use them before?" I genuinely questioned even though most of the girls laughed.

"No Lyra you will figure it out" Griselda sighed in disappointment.

"What a strange object, let's see what my computer says about it" As soon as Tecna opened her laptop the professor snatched it from her saying that electronics were not allowed either. "Now that worries me"

"Yeah, it shows, sad news had obviously upset you" Musa joked.

"Well by technical standards she had actually shown too much emotion" Flora joined as well.

"I know ever since I met you guys I easily lose control" Tecna said making us all laugh. "It wasn't a joke, a simple observation"

"Young ladies, quiet," Griselda yelled to get our attention, "tomorrow I'll conduct an inspection, everything better is clean, now go"

STELLA, BLOOM MUSA AND I were trying to clean the big classroom and it was taking us forever. I managed to learn something so I was currently washing some windows, the only reason I chose that was so I could see my reflection now and then. Stella on the other hand was doing absolutely nothing.

"Oh I can't wait to be finished" Bloom said with a tired voice.

"Yeah we'd be done a lot sooner if you knew who had helped us and Lyra stopped checking herself every time she cleaned a window"  Musa complained.

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