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➾ season 01 episode 05𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

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➾ season 01 episode 05
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

WHO INVENTED KITCHEN duties? Honesty, are we here to learn to be fairies or how to cook potatoes? I was currently cleaning the skin of a potato and as someone who had never stepped inside a chicken, I was doing quite well. Or so I thought.

"I hate doing kitchen duties, I just don't get it" Bloom complained.

"What is it that you don't get?" Musa asked.

"Why school for fairies can't use magic to cook dinner, doesn't make sense all you've got to do is wave the magic wand snap your fingers wiggle the nose a couple of times and voila. Everything ready without any effort" Bloom said in a dramatic tone while doing a circle in the air.

"I don't find cooking bad all at all, look at Lyra she's doing great for the first time" Flora encouraged me.

"Yeah with her three peeled potatoes" Musa laughed.

"Im doing you all a favour I could easily just ditch all of that but I felt bad" I yawned. "And Bloom is right can't we do a spell and all the things get cooked by themselves"

"However home cooked meals taste a lot better and are much healthier" The cook entered the kitchen making us jump.

"Um hi Mr Folia"

"How's the side dishes coming" The cook wandered around the kitchen analyzing everything.

"We are almost finished with sir" Musa points at the peeled potatoes.

Mr Folia gasps at the sight, "These potatoes are too small, take off less skin. And what about the omelettes? Don't forget to flip them"

We all rushed grabbing a pan each. "When I graduate from here I'll eat out every night" said Musa.

"Me too" I nodded.

"Let's see you flip these omelettes"

Flora and Tecna did a perfect flip while Musa and I almost dropped it. Keyword: almost because thankfully we managed to catch it just in time even though it was a bit ruined. It's gonna go in the stomach anyway.

Bloom on the other hand overdid it with the flip and managed to get the omellete stuck on the fan making us all give her a glare as we kept looking at the food making rounds on the ceiling. "Oh I'm so sorry I have no idea how it happened"

"What are you waiting for? Somebody turn off the fan" the cook said with his extraordinary accent.

"Uh I'll do it" Flora ran to the switch but instead of making the fan stop she made it go even faster making me laugh, this is so messy.

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