a friendship sundered

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➾ season 01 episode 08𝐀 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝

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➾ season 01 episode 08
𝐀 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝

DAY OF THE ROSE WAS A wonderful festival, not for me though. Instead of going to my planet and visiting my mother as everyone was doing today, I wasn't as lucky so I had to stay in Alfea. At least I had Stella,  Musa and Bloom for company.

The school was almost empty as the girls and I were sitting at the breakfast table drinking some coffee. "There is only Griselda left, all the teachers have cleared right off," said Stella.

"You bet" Professor Wizgiz appeared with a suitcase in his hands.

"Oh professor Wizgiz, you're leaving too?" I smiled at him, he was one of my favourites, with such good vibes and was very helpful to the students.

"And why not? Can't I have a mother" He made a rose appear on his shirt and hopped away cheerfully.

"What a guy" Musa commented.

"And you why aren't you going home" Stella turned to Bloom, I was wondering that as well I thought he had a great relationship with her parents.

"I prefer to stay here if I see my parents again even for just a day I'll feel even more homesick," said Bloom as we all nodded, "Ah okay and why are you three staying here?"

"I don't celebrate the day of Rose, I've never told you guys but my mum and dad are splitting up" Stella said in a sad tone, "yeah the kind and queen of Solaria aren't getting along anymore. Okay now you know everything so what's your excuse Musa"

Musa lowered her head, "I haven't celebrated this day in a long time because I haven't got any more to celebrate. I lost my mother when I was still very young"

"Musa Im so sorry I shouldn't have asked" Stella had a genuine apologetic tone.

"You don't have to apologize you couldn't have known" Musa smiled as we all hugged her. "For this day is just a little bit sadder than others but hey life goes on there's not much more I can do about it except live with my memories"

I was really sad about her story, I would always complain about my mother but the thought of losing her was much worse than my need for a mother figure. The girls must have noticed I was unusually quiet so Bloom asked me, "What about you Lyra?"

I really wanted to avoid getting asked the question, I really wasn't the one to talk about my emotions and what's bothering me but everyone said their story and it wouldn't sit right with me not to open up.  "Well I don't think she would care that much if I go or not, but it's whatever I've learned to live with it"

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