Chapter 3: Attack

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When the morning came, they continued searching for Goku. Kagome ended up teaming up with Inuyasha, Shippo, Piccolo, Trunks, Krillin, and Gohan.

They ended up arriving at the mountain as Inuyasha announced Goku might be in the mountain probably training for no reason. Kagome figured it was probably because he wanted to get stronger for his training sessions.

Of course, she remembered that story. Goku had told them that he and Vegeta were the Saiyans from Planet Vegeta while Gohan and Trunks were half-Saiyans born from their human mothers. Piccolo was a Namekian from Planet Namek.

"When are we going to find Goku?!" Piccolo, on the other hand, exclaimed, showing off his anger at not being able to locate Goku.

"Piccolo, calm down," Krillin said calmly.

"How can I be calm when we don't even know where Goku is!?" Piccolo grunted in annoyance.

"Piccolo, you're making a scene. I know that you're angry at Goku for hitting you and wanted him to apologize, but we have to be calm and let us not get into a sticky situation." Trunks said, assuring him.

"Fine," Piccolo said, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

"I hope Dad is still okay. I'm worried about him." Gohan said as he walked beside Kagome.

"Me, too, honey. Me, too." She nodded, holding Gohan's hand lightly.

Then they heard a loud shout and noticed that it was Goku who was screaming.

"Dad!" Gohan shouted and ran towards where he heard the voice. He appeared up top of the mountain and saw his father being attacked by Sesshomaru. He looked at the site in anger and shock as he saw what Sesshomaru did to him. He went Super Saiyan Two as he ran up to him and punched Sesshomaru hard in the face.

"Gohan!" Piccolo called out.

Sesshomaru faced Gohan as he stood up slowly.

"What did you do to my dad!?" Gohan seethed as he saw the state Goku was in. His orange and dark blue gi was torn and all he was left in was his pants and boots.

"Hn," Sesshomaru said in response.

"How dare you speak to Lord Sesshomaru that way!? He only gave him what he deserves!" Jaken shouted at him.

"By hurting my dad!?" Gohan growled in anger. When he was about to attack them, Kagome quickly stopped him from putting himself at risk.

"Gohan, stop! It's not worth it!" Kagome pleaded with him.

"You should know Sesshomaru is way stronger than you think, boy!" Jaken warned him. It was then he got hit in the face by Shippo with his magic trick.

"Shut up, Jaken! Can't you see what Sesshomaru did!? Gohan would have lost Goku if you guys killed him! Just like a long time ago when I lost my father to the Thunder Brothers." Shippo growled at him.

"Hn, it would be a waste of time here. Come, Jaken." With that, Sesshomaru took off walking away.

"C-Coming, My Lord!" The imp ran with him.

With that, Kagome quickly ran up to Goku as she knelt down, and checked for injuries. He had a cut across his neck, and some gashes along her stomach and chest, but the deepest wound was on his left leg.

"Goku, can you hear me?" She called out to him.

He groaned in response. His eyes fluttered as he opened them up slowly. He eventually looked at Kagome's face as he smiled in relief.

"Yeah... I'm okay... but I'm glad you came to find me..." Goku said weakly.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll give you a piece of Senzu Bean." Gohan promised.

Then Trunks handed a piece of a Senzu Bean to the boy. "Here you go."

"Thank you, Trunks." Then he went back to his father and fed him with a Senzu Bean. When his injuries and broken bones were restored, Goku felt better.

"Dad? Are you okay now?" Gohan wanted to make sure Goku was still alright.

Goku stood up lightly and looked at the others. He smiled at them. "Wow! I never felt much better! Thanks, guys!"

"Goku, you had us worried," Krillin cried out as he hugged him.

"Where were you?" Trunks asked, worried.

"And what happened when you encountered Sesshomaru?" Piccolo questioned him.

"It turns out I told Sesshomaru how strong he is, so we began to fight before you guys showed up," Goku said, grinning.

Piccolo groaned as he facepalmed. "I should have known."

"Oh, Goku..." Trunks sighed.

"Let's get you home, Goku. We don't want you ever run away again." Krillin said.

"Wait, before we go, Piccolo, there is something I need to tell you," Goku said, facing him.

Piccolo gave him a look. "And what would that be, Goku?"

He took a breath and began, "I'm sorry for punching you in the face. Will you forgive me?"

"Apologies accepted, Goku," Piccolo said, smiling a bit.

Goku grinned in relief.

"Is that when you ran away, Goku?" Krillin asked with a curious look.

He shrugged off. "Maybe."

"Come on, you guys. All he ever needed is alone time, so he would be ready to apologize." Piccolo said.

"Goku wasn't as mean as Vegeta," Shippo pointed it out.

"Vegeta would kill you if he's with us," Krillin warned him, making Shippo scared.

"Krillin!" Gohan scolded him.

"What? Just saying!" Krillin shrugged off.

Then Gohan came up to Shippo and picked him up as he gently calmed him down. "It's okay, Shippo. He doesn't mean it. Vegeta wasn't that evil."

"A-Are you sure?" Shippo asked, scared.

He nodded, smiling. "I am positive."

"Wow, I had never seen Gohan being so kind to Shippo before," Krillin said, surprised.

"It's because he loves animals, Krillin. He isn't Snow White from the fairy tale." Piccolo said. He remembered the time when he trained with Gohan as a toddler. He had seen Gohan playing with his dragon friend.

Krillin looked away in embarrassment. "I-I see."

"Come on, guys. Let's go back to the village." Inuyasha suggested.

Everyone nodded in response. Then the gang headed home immediately.

I Wish I Was Him // Goku x Kagome [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now