Chapter 4: Inuyasha's Affair

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A few days had passed since they found Goku, and now everyone continued their lives while the Z Fighters figured out how to get back home. Trunks were still working on how to transport back to their universe. Trunks said it would take a while for him to figure this situation out.

Right now, Kagome and Sango went to the hot spring as they quickly took off their clothes and stepped into the hot water. Kagome and Sango both sighed in contentment. They sat there in silence for a while each deep in their thoughts.

It was then Kagome began to question, "Hey, Sango, how come you aren't coming with us?"

Sango looked away as she began to blush. "Well... it's because I'm in love with someone else."

She blinked as she stared at her. "With whom?"

"Vegeta," she answered.

She blinked again. "Vegeta!? Don't tell me you liked him!?"

She smiled shyly. "I do. I found him handsome. He may be arrogant and stubborn, but I am still in love with him."

"Did you tell him how you feel?" She asked excitedly, she wanted to know how her new relationship with Vegeta went.

"I confessed my feelings for him and it seems like it went well. Vegeta did like me indeed." Sango answered, smiling as she blushed heavily.

"Does that mean you were together?" She asked again.

She nodded. "Yes."

"That's great news, Sango! I knew you two would be the perfect couple!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Sango blushed heavily as she buried her face and looked away. "Th-Thank you, Kags..."



As the girls were having their conversation, Inuyasha was walking alone in the forest needing some fresh air. Suddenly, when he took a deep breath, he could smell a familiar scent.

"It can't be. Was that Kagome?" Then he caught sight of a soul collector and followed them until he found the familiar woman. She was sitting in a tree surrounded by her soul collectors as each one brought her a new soul. He eventually recognized her.

"Kikyo...!" Inuyasha said in shock, his eyes softening as he stared at her.

Kikyo opened her eyes, a ghost of a smile crossing her face. "Inuyasha, you came." She jumped down from the tree branches and made her way over to Inuyasha.

"Kikyo, you weren't supposed to be..." When he tried to finish his sentence, she placed a hand on Inuyasha's cheek and stroked it. Inuyasha leaned into her touch.

"It's over, Inuyasha, it's finally over. Now only one thing stands in our way. I need you to do something for me." Kikyo said.

"What is it, Kikyo? I'll do anything for you. Just name it." Inuyasha pleaded with her.

Kikyo then embraced Inuyasha hiding her face as she smiled evilly. "The only way you and I can be together, Inuyasha, is for you to kill my reincarnation and I am allowed to get my soul back."

"What!?" Inuyasha shouted as he let Kikyo and backed away from her. "You're asking me to kill my wife Kagome for you!?"

"Yes, Inuyasha. You must kill Kagome and bring my soul back to me. Or does she mean more to you than I do?"

His golden eyes widened as he rushed back to Kikyo and pulled her into an embrace. "No, Kikyo, never. You mean more to me than anyone else, even Kagome."

"Then kill her, Inuyasha. It is the only way for me to be fully alive again." Kikyo ordered, frowning.

Inuyasha sighed in defeat. "Alright, Kikyo. I'll do it for you."

Then Kikyo pressed her lips against his. It felt like old times when he kissed her. As the two kissed, they began to take their clothes off before making love.


At the same time, when Kagome got off the hot spring and went home, she found Inuyasha wasn't home. Strange, she could have sworn he would stay at home waiting for her. Even for that, she still needed more time to decide to have a family as she recalled.

Then she started walking into the dark forest. She knew something wasn't right. The dread in her stomach started getting worse and worse, and she got closer to the tree that was glowing. Something familiar she didn't expect it.

Suddenly, she heard the familiar moans of two people having sex. She peeked out from behind a tree, and then...

She gasped in surprise. Her eyes widened as she didn't expect this to be realistic. She caught her husband Inuyasha making love with Kikyo as she thought she was gone. They were fucking beside the tree.

Inuyasha... why? She felt tears well up in her eyes. How could Inuyasha do this to her? After everything they went through? No! He'd rather go back to where he used to spend time with Kikyo. She knew it was going to happen. How could she be clueless? She wished she wouldn't marry him!

She wanted to rush out and bear Kikyo up, but she angrily turned around and went back to the village. She began to run away.

Inuyasha, how could you do this to me!? I trusted you! Kagome thought.

I Wish I Was Him // Goku x Kagome [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now