Chapter 7: Confession

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The morning had arrived. It has been a few days since the incident. Inuyasha and Kagome are separated. Kagome approached with a basket of herbs as she greeted her friends after her work. She was wearing the priestess robe as usual.

She then remembered the affection Goku had given her. She even wondered how he was doing since the last time she saw him a few days ago. She began to feel a bit worried about him for his disappearance. Was he stressed out because of the incident? Or was it because he thought her heart still belonged to Inuyasha? Well, not anymore. She no longer loved Inuyasha since he betrayed her for Kikyo. Separation wasn't easy for her. She has to get away from Inuyasha for a while.

Right now, she was walking around in the forest, having thought about Goku. Although she didn't think it was possible for him to love her. Of course, she had to admit she started to feel for him.

"I wish he'd love me," Kagome said aloud at the afternoon sky. Piccolo happened to hear it.

"Do you mean Goku?" Piccolo asked.

Kagome turned around and saw Piccolo.

"Yes..." She said, lowering her head and refusing to look at Piccolo.

"There is no need to be embarrassed. You just need to tell him how you feel and I bet he likes you, too." Piccolo suggested.

She blinked. "He does?"

"Yes. Don't you notice the way he looks at you?" Piccolo asked.

She nodded. "He showed me his affection."

"Then that means he loves you," Piccolo corrected. "He has been watching over when he saw you with Inuyasha. I have to say he was jealous of him."

Then she realized. "Wait... Is that when you and Goku fought when he was jealous of our marriage?"

Piccolo nodded. "I told him he shouldn't be stalking you, but he couldn't help it. He is in love with you and you need to tell him that if you have feelings for him."

"I see," Kagome said and then broke out into a smile. "Thanks, Piccolo. I'll try talking to him."

Piccolo saw her heading her way to see Goku. He sighed in relief, "Finally."

I guess I was wrong. Goku, you are right. Your love for her would never lose hope if you weren't that clueless. Piccolo thought, staring at the sky.


"Goku, are you there?" Kagome called out for him. She went into the Capsule House, looking for Goku. She found him in the kitchen talking to Trunks.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but Goku, can I talk to you outside, please?" Kagome asked.

Goku looked at Trunks who nodded, "Sure, let's go outside."

Then Kagome ushered Goku out of the back door and around the house. The minute they were out of sight, it was just the two of them.

"So, Kagome, what is it that you wa--" When he was interrupted, he was being kissed passionately by Kagome. At first, he didn't resist. He had been dying to kiss Kagome since he had a crush on her. They pulled a kiss away, needing air.

"Is it true you loved me, Goku?" Kagome asked with a loving look.

He wasn't afraid, so he nodded. "Yes."

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner? If I hadn't married Inuyasha, I would have taken your attention to be with you." Kagome said.

"Do you... love me?" Now he was afraid to ask her that. He knew it was the most stupid question he had ever asked.

She smiled. "I admitted. I can't stop thinking about you every time you go away. I even did tell you that I love you during the incident with Kikyo and Inuyasha. I think I now realize you are the one for me."

Goku smiled back in tears. "I knew you would say that."

With that, they kissed passionately. Kagome was now belong to Goku.

I love you, Kagome, so much, Goku thought. She moaned at the sensation of his silky lips. He gently pushed his tongue further in. He couldn't get enough of her taste. Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck as their tongues danced. Goku placed his hand on the back of Kagome's head to help deepen the kiss. Goku slowly let go of her lips. They stared at each other silently until Kagome saw his face turn into three shades of red.

He let out a chuckle. "We should check the others."

"O-Of course," Kagome stuttered.

I Wish I Was Him // Goku x Kagome [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now