Chapter 5: I Want To See You

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Kagome made her way back to the village. The image of Inuyasha and Kikyo having sex is still fresh in her mind. With every step she took, her anger kept building and building. But then it all stopped when she thought of Goku. He is the only friend she had. Well, she has plenty of friends. She knew that he would be able to help her. The only thing that helps is talking to him. She wondered why she wanted to talk to Goku, but her mind and her heart told her so.

Why do I feel like I want to see Goku? Kagome thought, confused. As she made it, she didn't expect to encounter Goku. And yet, she did approach him on purpose.

I want to see you, Kagome thought, scared.

Goku noticed as he turned to face her. He gave her a confused look. "Kagome?"

She froze. She didn't want to talk about it, so she decided to turn away.

"Wait! What's wrong?" Goku asked, worried. He came up to them and grabbed her left shoulder, stopping her from leaving.

"It's nothing. I'm leaving now." She said, trying to leave again.

He blocked her as the two now faced each other. "Tell me what's wrong? You seem upset with something."

"You don't need to know. I'm sorry for coming at you like that." Kagome said, nervously.

"If something or someone is bothering you, you can tell me everything," Goku said in his most caring voice.

Kagome didn't know what came over her, but she threw herself in Goku's arms and started crying into his chest.

"I'm sorry...!" She sobbed.

"Tell me what's wrong. I'm here for you." Goku said, still hugging her in comfort.

"Inuyasha... he... h-he..." The flashback came back to her when she saw an image of Inuyasha and Kikyo having sex. It was too horrible for her. She was angry at first, but now she was sad about it. She never understood why Inuyasha betrayed her.

"He cheated on me with Kikyo... I knew it would have happened... I wish I wouldn't married him if I weren't that clueless..." Kagome sobbed.

As he heard what happened, he never believed Inuyasha would do this to poor Kagome. However, the more Goku heard, the angrier he got. He was about to turn Super Saiyan when the midnight sky darkened, and thunder could be heard in the distance. Slowly it started getting louder and louder. Lightning flashed across the sky.

Calm yourself, Goku. You're gonna hurt everyone, especially Kagome, his inner demon thought as Goku calmed himself down. Everything settled down.


"Yes?" He asked.

"Please stay with me... I don't want to be alone..." She pleaded with him.

He smiled at her. "Of course. As long as you want to."


And so Goku and Kagome went to meet up with the Z Fighters until the guys noticed what happened.

"I have noticed that you seem unhappy. Can you tell us what's wrong?" Trunks said with a worried.

"What happened now?" Vegeta asked, annoyed.

"Inuyasha betrayed me and played with my heart," Kagome answered.

"What!? You mean he...!" Krillin said in shock.

"Yes, he cheated on me with Kikyo," Kagome said.

"That's horrible!" Gohan exclaimed.

"Wait... I thought Kikyo didn't want anything to do with Inuyasha anymore since the last we saw her leaving after Naraku was defeated." Yamcha said, confused.

I Wish I Was Him // Goku x Kagome [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now