Chapter 8: Running Away With Him

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After the confession they made, they headed back to the village to hang out with their friends. It was then Trunks announced he was finally able to know how to get home from the feudal era. He had opened the portal with the device that could lead them home. That saddened Goku. He didn't want to go. Neither does Vegeta since he already loved Sango. He wanted to stay with Kagome, but he knew he didn't belong to the universe.

One by one, they entered the portal. Goku and Gohan looked at Kagome and the others one last time with their tears.

"Goodbye, everyone! It's nice knowing you!" Gohan said, waving at them goodbye.

"Take care, Gohan," Kagome said.

Goku stared at Kagome with a sorrowful and sympathetic look. "Um, Kags, before we go, there is something you need to know."

"What?" She asked with a curious look.

"If you ever feel unhappy in this era, you are welcome to come to our universe. You'll be happy there. I hope we'll meet again." With that, Goku took off leaving with Gohan.

She softened her eyes as she felt her heart heavy. It was then she saw Vegeta holding Sango and Kirara in a bridal style, which surprised them.

"You fools, you guys would think you two will never see each other again after we left? Not for long. You still have time. The universe allows them to come live with us. Take your woman with you, Kakarot, and make her your bride. Sango already decided to come stay with me forever." Vegeta said, smirking. Sango waved at them smoothly before the two entered the portal.

"Huh?" His eyes widened in confusion.

It was then Kagome finally made her decision. She suddenly grabbed Shippo and jumped at Goku in his arms. Everyone, especially Inuyasha, was surprised to see her doing that.

"What are you doing!?" Inuyasha shouted.

"Kagome, what is going on? Why are you taking me?" Shippo asked, confused.

"I'm taking Shippo with me and I'm going with Goku. I'm sorry, Inuyasha." Kagome said.

Inuyasha was shocked to hear this. He couldn't believe she was leaving him for Goku. He guessed he was okay with it.

"Shippo, I'm adopting you and you'll be Gohan's brother," Kagome said, smiling at him.

He let out a smile. "Really!?"

She nodded. "Let's go home."

Then they left as the portal closed immediately, leaving Inuyasha speechless. Just as Kagome and Shippo finally lived in the universe with the Z Fighters and Sango, Goku let out a smile as if he never felt so happy in his life. Now that changes forever when he can finally have all he wants. His wish of being Inuyasha wouldn't change that. He as himself is the only answer.

The End

I Wish I Was Him // Goku x Kagome [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now