Incest Map

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"Oii theres a fully gaked sex map in the old stairwell!"

"Wtf it hasn't even been 30 minutes since we got here" harper said annoyed.

"Literally doesn't this school ever get sick of the same old shit" i said

Everyone in the year level raced to the old stairwell where said 'sex map' was. We heard loud laughter, shouting and a lot of auuus and aahhhhs. I couldn't help but be slightly interested.

"Fuck it" sasha and missy said and they ran with the crowd. It's like they were itching for some sort of drama to happen.

Harper turned to look at me.

"Dont make that stupid face"

"What face?" I said.

"That im curious, i wanna look real bad face." She said with a sarcastic tone.

"Uhh nuhh uhhh not even, my face is totally normal thanks." I said with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah whatever, hurry up let's go to assembly before i make that face too" she laughed.

*time skip to assembly

"GOODMORNING HARTLY HIGH" woodsy screamed into the mic.

"It hasn't even been a full morning let alone day and you guys have seemed to find trouble already. I will find out who did this, but for now get to class and stay out of trouble!"

Everyone scattered and headed to class before the bell rang.

"I have math first" i said.

"History" said harper.

"English" missy said.

"Drama" sash said.

"Ugh this sucks, separate classes on the first day. Ill see you guys at lunch then, good luck" i said with a pouty face.


Math... I hated it.
I hated it because i was bad at it, and i was bad at it because i hated it. Lose lose situation either way.
I took my seat waaayy at the back of the class to make sure Ms Kumar doesn't pick on me like she usually does. She always pulls a "Y/n whats the answer please" as if im not at the back of the class with my head down avoiding eye contact.
I only knew the answers cause the eshay would whisper it to me lol. His name is ca$h, but i know him as Douglas, we go waayy back but i think some stuff is buried to deep for us to dig up and properly talk about it. We act like strangers or more like acquaintances, but truth is, i grew up with ca$h. I've seen him through all his good, and we fell out when he started doing his bad.
I miss him... but over my dead body you'll catch me saying that to his face.


Chapter 2 yayayayayay.
I actually suck and was trying so hard on how to actually introduce ca$h in. And i did it right at the end?... 🫠🤣

Trying to make a actual story line and not just rush into things, but idk if its giving boring and i should just rush into things?
Lmk lmk thanks 🩷

Anyways hope you enjoyeddddd :))

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