Do I?

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I quickly ran with my drinks back to the room, back to harper, back to my safe space.

"You'll never guess what" i said out of breath

"What" she said bluntly

"I just saw ca$h with this girl on his arm"

"The fuck?" She said concerned

She looked at me with a smug look "Waittt.. are you jealous y/n?" She said smirking.

"Huh, wtf? Me? Jealous? Pft as if!" I said scoffing.

She got up and walked to me, she held my hands in hers "y/n i know you have a thing for ca$h"

"Harper wtf come onnnnn?? I could never"

Could i though?

"I think you should go talk to him"

I stood there thinking a little,  did i like him? Should i go talk to him? I havent talked to him properly in so long what would i even say?

"K fine yuup ill go" i said unsure

Hyping myself up to even open the bedroom door and step out took alot. I was about to grab the handle when missy and sash bombarded inside.

"Fuck you guys gave me a heart attack" i said holding my chest.

"Where you off too, i thought you were supposed to stay stuck in darrens dungeon" missy said

"She's actually on her way to see if she likes ca$h or not" harper said casually.

"Auu since when" sasha said excitedly

"Uhm since never" i said bluntly

"She saw ca$h come with another girl,  and my bestie senses were telling me she was jealous"

"Well spill do you?" Miss said

"Guys stop, i dont feel anything towards ca$h, that feels wrong, buttt iamgoingtofindhimsobye" i said and quickly rushed out the door hoping not to hear any more of their nonsense.

Walking down the hall my head became clouded 'did i like ca$h? I never looked at him that way, all i know is ever since he ghosted me I've been missing him like crazy im just not too sure if those feelings run deeper. Snapping out of my thoughts i felt a cold sensation dripping down the front of my body.

"Holy fuck, im so sorry y/n i didnt see you there" said a familiar voice, it was ca$h...

I looked down to see his drink that once was in his cup is now saturated the front of my shirt.

"Ca$hy watch where your fkn going ay" i said annoyed.

I walked away towards the bathroom to clean myself without saying another word to ca$h.

"I said i was sorry" ca$h said as he peeked his head through the gap in the bathroom door

I jumped and got a fright, taking a deep breath i looked at him and rolled my eyes

"What if i was actually on the toilet ca$hy" i said annoyed.

"I wouldn't mind, nothing i havent seen before"

"Im sure your new girlfriend would mind"

"Who? The girl i came with?"

"Who else genius" i snickered

"Oh nah nah its not like that, shes chooks sister. He told me to bring her, shes just being clingy cause she dont know anyone here n that"

A chill ran up my spine hearing chooks name slip out of his mouth, and i was starting to feel uncomfortable knowing he's involved with his sister now too.

"Oh thats nice? Where is she now?"

"Chook came and got her, she wasnt having the best time"

He said and i just nodded my head focusing more on getting the stain out of my shirt.

"This is brand new yk" i said rolling my eyes

"Im sorry y/n" he said softly, he grabbed the towel out of my hand and started getting the stain out himself.

We were close now, face to face. Oh how I've missed this face.

"Im really sorry y/n" he whispered to me.

"Im sorry for everything, for ghosting you, for not answering your msgs, for leaving you worried" he started choking up. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Why ca$h" i whispered back

"Im sorry i can't" he gave me back the towel and left the bathroom not saying another word.

"Nice catch up" i said to myself standing there in the silence.

"Soooo how did it go? And why you wet? " harp questioned when i walked back into the room.

" Well... he spilled his drink on me, followed me to the bathroom, helped me clean the stain and apologised. Apologised for literally everything. Started getting upset and he just left."

"And you just let him leave??"

"Uhm yeah i guess so" i said

"Wtf why?" Harper exclaimed

Why did i?


Not too sure if this was boring or not, someone let me know PLEASE 🤣🙏🏽

Feedback appreciated!


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