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The weekend rolled around and i haven't really had the guts to talk to either my mum or my dad for more than two minutes. Mums walking around with a massive bruise on her face and dad's walking around with bruised knuckles. I can't believe it. Daydreaming about everything i heard my phone go off.

Ca$hy 🎭
Hey, haven't seen you since the party or around school. Everything okay?

Sighing looking at his msg, i hover my thumbs over the keyboard debating whether i should tell him or not.

Hi ca$h, im okay thanks. Things are a bit messy at home but harpers been taking care of me so its okay :)

Ca$hy 🎭
Wdym whats happening at home?

Im fine okay but mum and dad have been arguing again.

Oh shit y/n are you okay? I know we haven't been on the best terms lately but can I come over?

Staring blankly at his message, should i?

Nah nah nah its okay , im okay. Thanks ca$hy.

Im omw, ill see you soon y/n

Okay thennn never mind. Looking around my room it was reall messy ca$h has seen my room in all different states but it would be nice of him to know or to think that my parents arguing again hadn't completely clouded my head leading me to neglect my room and 'sniff' myself "ew" i said out loud and quickly jumped in the shower.

My shower was finished and my room was now clean. Laying in bed watching movies on my tv waiting for ca$h, i'd be lying if i said i had hope that he was actually going to come. Time passed and my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier until i fell asleep waiting.
I could feel my body being lightly shaken

"Hey" it was ca$h rubbing my arm to keep me awake.

"You folded huh, couldn't just stay awake y/n?" He said rolling his eyes playfully and letting a smile loose.
That smile was everything, he was everything.

"You said soon ca$hy, I've been asleep for what like almost 3 hours" i said with my groggy voice.
"Wait how'd you get in?"

"Your dad but yeah yeah ik im sorry, had to do a quick job before i came."

"Oh right" i said starting to feel uncomfortable, he came straight from chook to me. All chooks germs now infesting my personal space. Yuck. I must of been thinking to hard ca$h snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Is it weird if i suggest you shower?" i laughed

"Are you saying i smell y/n?" He questioned me.

"Im sayinggg... you got chook germs and drug germs allll over you. And here you are, sitting on my bed in my room. I stated firmly.
Im sure by now he knows how chook makes me feel, so with that he took up my plea.

"Fine, but im going cause i want to. Not cause you basically insulted me and said im not clean enough to even be in your house."
He opened my cupboard and snatched the spare towel and walked out to the bathroom. He's been to my house so many times he knows every inch.

*Time skip

"TADAAAA" ca$hy came busting through the door, arms open and wet hair showing off he's now 'germ free'

"Fuck you gave me a fright idiot" i said clenching my chest.

"Good" he said while laughing.

Im not gnna lie, he looked good. Too good. His towel hanging loose around his waist, droplets of water dropping off his hair onto his toned body.
Swiping his thumb across his nose "y/n are you staring at me" he said teasing me with a smirk.

"Staring at that ugly asf mullet" i gave a sarcastic smile.

"Hey you leave my mullet alone, its cunty some might say" he said pointing at me.


"My clothes still here?" He asks

"Bottom drawer, idk if it's quite your style anymore"

"Its fin-" he pulled out a plain blue shirt and black sweats
"Actually ew"

Joining me he sat right next to me on the bed.
"K so whats up?"

"So mum n dad have been fighting recently, and the other night it got rlly bad. I came down to check in on them cause everything went quiet" i was talking frantically. Ca$hy put his hand over mine and told me to slow down.

Taking a deep breath i finished the story.
"I peeked from the top the stairs. My mum was on the ground and my dad was hovering over her with clenched fists. Now mum has a black eye. The arguments have been popping off ever since, about little things, about big things, about things in the past. Anything they can nitpick about it'll most likely turn into an argument. I just haven't had the guts to ask my dad my he hit her. " My eyes started watering and i started getting choked up.

"Nah im so sorry y/n. Must feel different it all happening again at a age where you can understand everything that's happening"

Letting a sigh out "yeah its kinda worse. But i just have to shield Tristan and Leila away from it, i cant stand that fact they might see it happen right in front of them." I said now having tears fall from my eyes.

Wiping my tears "Your the best big sister I've ever seen. I know for a fact you got them" he said with a soft smile, squeezing my hand as a sign of reassurance.

Sitting there enjoying each other's company, everything felt oddly comforting knowing we used to do this almost every weekend.

"I've missed you ca$hy" i said lowly with my head down as if i was embarrassed to admit it.

He turned to look at me in my eyes
"I've missed you more" he wrapped me in a hug and placed a meaningful kiss on my forehead.

Snuggling into his chest i felt a comfort that I've only found in him.

*Ca$h pov

Looking down at y/n in my arms watching her sleep, i cant help but feel overwhelmed with everything that's happened within the past months. She doesn't know anything, i made that choice for her, to protect her and even harper. But i know it's hurting her, hell it's hurting me.
I have to tell her.


ngl this took a while for me to write cause my brain was just not braining 🤣 with that pls let me know if the story is making sense HAHAHA as in its flowing somewhat nicely between the chapters.
Buttttt we are officially getting a szn 3!! Im too excited!

Feedback is appreciated and pls vote


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