How They Meet You

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El Sombreron:

You are now in the state of Mexico with two parents as you have beautiful hair in H/C and many guys are very attracted to your figure as you are also a well-known spooky storyteller. As you arrived at the spooky place, you are ready to tell the story of El Silbon until you heard the sound of a guitar. You felt that you are being in a trance, but you decided to ignore it and started to tell the story of El Silbon. Once you are finished, everyone applauded as you bowed before you noticed a figure who wore a sombrero with a silver guitar in hand and started to play a song which is a love song. You sway your head to the beat of the song as El Sombreron is finish performing as you shivered with shock.

"Muy bien." You said

"Como te llama mi amor?" El Sombreron asked

"Y/N." You said

"Adios Y/N." El Sombreron said

You watched as the spooky goblin leave while being on his mule as your parents gasped with pure shock.

"Y/N... go home. We need to talk." Your birth mom said

"What's wrong?" You asked

"Home and then we will talk." Your birth dad said

You nodded as you went back home with your parents as they were terrified that you have an encounter with El Sombreron.

Karl Heisenberg:

You are in the village with your boyfriend who is not only controlling but is also verbally abusive to you as he have called you rude and nasty names and even make you worthless. Your boyfriend have told you to not be towards any man and have already branded your chest with the word 'Your Property' as you are now having a walk around the village until you see a man who have long greying black hair, mustache and a beard while wearing a long brown coat with a beige shirt, brown trousers, boots, gloves and a wide-brimmed hat while holding his hammer with his sunglasses on his face. He then started to look to see you walking alone.

"Hey missy. What are you doing here outside?" Karl asked

"Just walking around." You said

"You must be lonely. My name is Karl Heisenberg." Karl said

"Y/N L/N. I'm taken so." You said

"If you want a little company, go to my factory." Karl said

"Ok. Thanks Karl." You said

You begin to leave to go back home as you wanted to meet Karl Heisenberg again.

Walter Sullivan:

You are in Silent Hill as your parents have kicked you out, keeping the stepchildren because they wanted to get rid of you and hated you with so much passion. You sighed as you carefully went behind the alley and slowly lay down on a cardboard box until you see a man who is around 34 years old with one green and one brown eyes.

"Poor girl. What are you doing here all alone?" Walter asked

"I'm staying here." You said

"No you are not. Stay with me and I will take you to paradise." Walter said

"I will think about it." You said

Walter then walk away slowly as you felt a bit suspicious about Walter but decided to pass it aside to meet him again.

Wilbur Whateley:

You are now in a gothic club at nighttime which is to respect the Great Ones and the Outer Gods as you are dressed in robes with the symbol of your favorite Outer God which happened to be Yog-Sothoth. Your parents are very religious, taking you to church and even exorcise you once because of the book you read which have symbols within the Necronomicon, but you don't care because you have a couple of friends who worship the Great Ones and even treated you kindly and they understand about your heavily religious parents. You were dancing to music and singing to the spooky song as you continue to dance. Meanwhile, the son of Yog-Sothoth Wilbur Whateley hated humanity but noticed a club about The Great Ones as he wore a robe to cover up his lower body. He then got inside and see a few cult members drunk until he noticed you with warm H/C hair and beautiful E/C eyes and he started to feel something stir in his body and carefully approach to you. You shake your hips with some skill until you smell something foul and turn around to see a guy with robes and approach to him.

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