ch 04

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Author's pov
The world had two rulers pandyas and sharmas. Both the heads were once friends and now enemies. Sharmas were the ones who broke off the relation with pandyas. Rohit sharma the head and owner of black horse empire was perfect in every aspects. This emperor had a beautiful empress who he takes for granted.  Virat Rohit Sharma the beauty that world could die for, he was too given to Rohit as a possession like rahul, unlikely his life was bit better than him.
His brothers in laws loved and adore him.

Early in the morning, The wife was praying to God for betterment of his husband. "Bhabi plz mere liye bhi kabhi aap ki terah wife doondhna. " his youngest brother in law said. "Chup Abhishek ke bacche bhabhi plz mujhe breakfast deedo." Shubman said. Virat chuckled at both of them. They didn't notice that someone else is also looking at them, it was none other than rohit who was looking at his family with a smile. Even though he didn't love virat but still respects him. The sight infront of him was too ethereal. "Now now let me wake my hubby up because of you guys can't let him miss his breakfast." He heard virat saying. "I am here and both of you extra two hours today." Rohit said making virat blush and his brothers whine. " and virat today we have party and also pandyas are gonna attend it so prepare your self hmm." He said to his wife. The family had the breakfast and the trio left. Virat who knew that party is surely going to chaotic,he sighs.

Pandya Mansion
Poor Rahul was limping as his waist and lower body pained. Ishan looked at him with worry,"bhai I will cook food you rest." He said. "Aree baby-no baby or ishu today I will cook and thats final plus we also need to prepare for party so can't let you suffer like this." Rahul who smiled at him wondered how his baby grew up. Ishan prepared food for everyone. Both the brothers and pankhuri came down to eat. Suddenly Rahul felt nauseous, he went to kitchen to puke out. Pankhuri looked at him with worry while hardik who was debating whether he should go or not. Cleaning himself he came back to his seat. After dinner  male who began to clean again felt dizziness and was about to fall, his husband held him, "Rahul,  Rahul, doll wake up." He said tapping his face. Seeing no effect left him with no choice but to carry him to their bed.

Hardik's pov
I looked at him, he surely is beautiful but I can't fall for him, I hate him but he is beautiful. I hate him and ishan, but now I don't know what's wrong with him and it is making me worry. Soon doctor came and checked him. "Mr pandya congratulations you're gonna be father. Mrs pandya is two weeks pregnant. " Hearing this my soul left my body. I looked at him who was still asleep. "Here are some vitamins for the mother." I am happy. Soon he stirred up and looked up to me. "W-hy a-a-m I here hard-i-k." He said meekly. I picked him up and made him spin,Only to hear this heavenly giggles. Ughhh it's becoming hard for me now but doctor said no sex till he gives birth. "What happen Harry why are you  like this." He said making me kiss him. No lust just love. "For once you gave me happiness Rah." I told him making him tilt his head in confusion. Chuckling I kept my hands on his belly. The sudden wave of realization hit him and he teared up. " you-u me-ean o-our b-b-baby is in h-h-ere." I nodded not expecting a tight hug.

Author's pov
Both of them were hugging each other, Hardik kissed his wife's forehead. He reminded himself to carry the drama until his so called useless wife gives birth, then he will make his life more worse.

Not all glitters are gold.

Not all glitters are gold

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