12 part 1

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Author's pov
It's been a week since virat's pregnancy, everyone is happy except the obvious one. Rohit is happy for the child hot for the one who bore the his kid. Today he is getting ready for the day, because today he has to take the date for marriage of his 2 brothers. It's going to be hectic as today he will go to priest with Hardik.
Getting ready, he saw his wife entering the room with a hand on his little baby bump. Unknowingly he smiled at him.

Ro:- Honey are you sure u can manage without ? I don't want to go with that bastard, ( pulls him) I can spend my time with you.

Vi:-( blushed) But Ro you know it's important for us and as well as for our kids.

Ro:- ( pretends to be kicked puppy) I have no choice do I

Vi:- Awwwww my panda (kisses his face) you'reeeee  sooooooo cute~~~~

Ro:-( disgustingly but sugarcoating) Enough I don't like it you know this honey.

Vi just laughs and leaves the room. Rohit rushes to the washroom and washes his face

Ro:- (thoughts:- ewwww how disgusting he is)

Author:- you're such a hypocrite 🙄

Ro:- shut up you annoying piece of a pie

Author:- yea you're definitely a piece of shit 😏

Ro :- Arghhhh continue the damn story idiot

Back to the chp
On the other hand Siraj just left the hospital with a broken heart.

Siraj was sitting next to his princess when doctor entered with grim expression.

Doc:- Mr Siraj I have a bad news for u.

This made him turn towards the doctor

Siraj:- W-what do you m-mean doc w-what b-ɓad news.

Doc:- Sir we need a quick transplant for your daughter in order to save her. This is the only chance and we need it by this month. Plz arrange it quick.

Flashback ends

Wiping his tears away he decided for a walk in near by garden ( trust me Rohit is not here for him🤭). As he walked all the memories flood in his mind. How his so called brother sold him to his husband who was worst than beast. He once loved him, but now his heart is full of hate for Shami.

??:- Well Well it's been long since we meet isn't it Mrs Shami.

This broke all his thoughts. Turning around he saw the man he never imagined to see.

Siraj:- (whispers) Rashid.

Rashid:- yes it's me love I am back

Siraj hugged him tight, all his tears began to flow, all emotions were overflowing because he met his only saviour. His brother who held him at the time when everyone turned their backs on him.

Rashid:- shhh how much will you cry hmm, ( teary) A-aira w-wont like to see y-you cry so shhh.

Siraj:- W-w-why a-a-lways m-me, My c-c-c-hild d-d-didnt do a-a-any-t-t-hing. That FUCKING MONSTER P-POISE-NED HIS O-O-OWN C-C-CHILD. Pl-z-z b-b-hai s-s-a-ve my d-d-daugh-t-er plz.

Rashid who held his brother close to him was furious at the bastard (shami) he knows what happened and also he knows the pain of losing a child. He caressed his hair and said sweet noting for him to calm down. After a harsh breakdown, Siraj calmed down and now they both were at a cafe drinking their favorite coffee

 After a harsh breakdown, Siraj calmed down and now they both were at a cafe drinking their favorite coffee

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( my love Cappuccino 😋)

Rashid:- Enough of your crying now, I have a plan. Remember when Naveen passed away, I told you that his organs will be preserved. I think it's time for it to be used again.

Siraj:- Bhai are u serious, I mean you wanted them for-

Rashid:- Ayrah is also my daughter so for her I am doing this hmm. By tomorrow we will get it and soon your little princess will be in your arms again.

Siraj:- (happily) May God give you all the happiness you deserve. (Holds his hands) you're an angel of God. I don't know how to repay you.

Rashid:- you're my baby bro hmm now now you know how can you repay me. (Sighs) J-j-ust t-tell me how is he and our baby.

Siraj:- you're little one is turning 2 bhai and he is managing well but still he misses u. When are you going back to him, your son's first words were baba bhai, turn back before it's too late.

Rashid:- I've already lost Naveen not my Gurbaaz and noor. I can't loose them now. They're everything to me, My wifey is already broken I can't bring danger by being close to him.

Siraj shook his head in disappointment. They began to talk about stuff when it was time to leave, Rashid said something that he was afraid of.

Rashid:- Hyenas are back, this time it's lionesses they aim for, and lions are aware but wants to do the same. By the will of demon hyenas are working. The little cub is again going to be hurt. Beware of whom u trust.

Sorry for short update guys, the further plot is quite big and soon it will end.
Wait for part 2 ❤️😉

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