ch 11 ( rohirat special)

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Author's pov
Well after that day it was normal for Rohirat to male love almost everyday. Rohit made his wife so emotionally dependent on that his wife cannot breathe without him. His plans were going smoothly

A month later
After that night virat has sudden feeling of weakness and nausea. He even notices that his hubby changed, he's acting cold towards him. Today he agreed to go for check up with Abhishek who agreed to take him.

At hospital
Doctor:- Mrs Sharma can you tell me about how you're feeling these days.

Virat:- Don't know doc feeling drowsy, tired , nauseous and my moodswing take best of me sometimes.

Doc:- Mrs Sharma hearing to all this makes only one conclusion so how about you go and try this.

Giving him pregnancy test. Taking a deep breath he tried it and to his surprise it showed positive result. He screamed on happiness. Hearing his excitation Doctor smiled and said

Doc:- let's do ultrasound shall we

Nodding he laid on the bed where Doc applied cold gel on him. Checking through the machine.

Doc:- see Mrs Sharma this dot you see, this is your baby that you're going to hold after 9 months. Let's get the pictures for you.

Getting all the pictures he happily left. Abhishek who was waiting for his bhabi, saw him and rushed towards him

Abhi:- you good bhabi? What did doc said, do I need to call bhai?

Vi:- Abhi baccha calm down I am fine it's just Doc said I am pregnant and you're going to be chachu.

Abhi:- oh you're just pregnant-WAIT YOU SAID PREGNANT OH MY GOD I AM GONNA BE CHACHU. (Hugging vi) thanks bhabi.

Vi:- let's go quick so that we can surprise your brother.

Abhi nodded and they left.

Somewhere else
???:- Boss he is pregnant with Rohit's child

Boss:- Don't call that child Rohit's it's soon going to be mine do you hear me, good keep your eyes on him.

The person left, Boss sat and caressed Virat's pic

The person left, Boss sat and caressed Virat's pic

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Boss:- Soon dear soon

Back to Sharma mansion

Author's pov
Virat has prepared everything for his hubby. All his favorite food was kept on the table.

Vi:-(caressing his belly) baby your Dada will be very excited to see you.

As he was talking to his tummy, he didn't notice Rohit was right behind him, looking at him with hate. Clearing his throat and giving his wife a fake smile he said.

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