ch 07 part 2

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As Bhuvi's phone rang indicating it was hardik, Rohit signals him to pick up the call. Phone is on speaker
(Bold hardik)
Bhuvi I know you're with your husband but do me a favor, plz come and see Rahul he is breathing heavily

(Everyone gasped, Rohit signals to continue.)

Why is he? I mean did you say something triggering to him cuz it feels like a panic attack.

(Bhuvi is doctor guys)

Bhuvi I just told him about the deal that me and Rohit made to defeat AB Devillers and Mayank Agarwal.

(Knowing this is not what triggers panic attack)
What exactly happened because I know there is no way Rahul knows AB Devillers or Mayank Agarwal

Oh I only mentioned AB Devillers not Mayank,just by hearing his name he said something like "save ishu plz."

(Hearing this everyone got more shocked.)

Hardik I will be visiting soon so be calm and support him as he is pregnant.

"Okay than see you."

Call ends

"But why did he hear panicked hearing the same thing as Vi bhabi." Sky asked. Rohit who was silent said. ''Lala I want secret information about htem both as quick as possible." Shami nods "Bhai can we talk to you in private." Bumrah said holding Bhuvi's hands, Nodding the trio went into Rohit's study.

" Bumrah said holding Bhuvi's hands, Nodding the trio went into Rohit's study

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(Rohit's study)
"What do you want to talk about." "Bhai why did you agree for this with hardik I know you'd rather die than to let your brothers suffer." Bumrah said. Jassi and hardik both were his kids,his munchkins. "Bhuvi you know your hubby and hardik were inseparable, both were attached hip to hip, I remembering how Nalini aunty's and Diljit aunty's would pull them apart. Every time when they were scolded they would come to me and whine Bhaiya/bRO mama scolded us. And hug me tight. " Hearing this Bhuvi was shocked. Jassi laughed but said "it was not always me but Harry who would whine and complain and do you remember Ishu baby gosh you and krunal always fight overhim along with Shubman "bhai he is mine you can't take him." Abhishek loved to tease him and remember when virat first came to our neighborhood God he would be our judge along with Ritika Didi." Unknowingly Jassi who said the name forgot that this name gave Rohit trauma. Bhuvi who knew nothing saw the expression of Rohit and understood. Jassi got a call so he excused himself "You know Harry always said that if he would tell me first if he was going to be a father and guess now he hid it from me, after all we are enemies what can I expect." He said chuckling bitterly. Suddenly Shubman barged in and said "Bhai Vi bhabi is woke up and is asking for your presence." Rohit looks at bhuvi and gives a nod before leaving. Rushing towards his room he saw his wife crying. pulling  him close to his chest he said
"Baby I am here shh no one is going to come at you shhh calm down vi, shhh." Abhi couldn't take it dashed out of the room with tears and Shub followed him.

Abhishek pov
Why God why first mom and now mama plz don't do this to me plz plz

When Abhishek and shubman were 14 and 15 and Rohit was 22, their dear mother died in due to heart attack. Abhi was heartbroken because he was youngest and very close to his mother. Poor boy couldn't sleep a single night. Virat who was newly married to Rohit couldn't bear to see him like this, so one day he decided to take everyone to picnic. Rohit and Shubman were fine and were a bit happy but Abhishek was not. He kept quiet during the picnic. Virat couldn't take it anymore so he dragged Abhi with him near a beautiful lake.

"Bhabi why are-shh you baccha and come here." He said pulling the boy to his chest and caressing his back giving his motherly embrace to him. Closing eyes and feeling the aura he was delighted. "Bubba I know how it feels when you lose your mother, because I lost mine when I was born." Vi said with brim of tears in his eyes. He continues "My papa and my brother kept me happy all the time though I didn't get mother's love but promised myself to be one for you or shubi. I promised you brother to always take care of you." Hearing such words Abhi couldn't hold it anymore and hugged him tight and said. "Promise me that you will never leave me Mama plz don't leave you baccha alone plz plz." Crying more. Hearing mama even he couldn't hold it and said "Mama will always be with his little munchkin." Both of the stayed in this position unaware that they're being watched by Shubi and Rohit. "I made a right choice marrying you vi." He thought.

Flashback ends

Shubi holds his brother and hugs him tight. Sky and shardul who watched this said." Vi bhabi asks for you guys too." Hearing this both dashed out like bulls and entered the room looking at vi who spread out his arms for them. They lunged towards him and hugged him tight "Never leave us mama plz never." They said. Kissing their forehead mama said never my bacchas never. Rohit was seeing this heartwarming scene suddenly noticed shami who signaled him to come out. Making his way out he asked what happened. "Our plans are successful but there's a problem."

Wait for part three (gonna be complete flashback of everyone.)


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