12 part 3

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Author's pov
Shardul woke up and found himself in unknown place. The place hauntes him as he is unaware. He began to scream and cry as he thought he is kidnapped. Hearing his screams both Siraj and Rahsid rushed to him. Looking at hum Siraj pulled him in his embrace.

Siri:- Bubba look it's me your siri plz Bubba breath hmmm see no one is here.

Hearing his friend he calmed down. Shardul held Siraj so tight. Seeing them like this Rashid clenched his fist.

Rashid:- (thoughts) I will kill u, how dare u bastards do this to my brothers.

After calming shardul, Siraj went to cook dinner for all of them. Rashid sat beside the Male giving him comfort.

Rashid:- calm down little Bambi everything's fine.

Shardul:- I can't believe I ran away from him, I l-loved h-hi-i-im so much that now i-i-it h-h-hurts.

Rashid:- (tenderly hold his hands) you're elder brother is here now hmm so be selfish and grow out those cheeks of yours. I want to pull them like before, stupid boy got soo thin.

Shardul:- (whinning) NO u pull my cheeks soooo hard you're bad I won't talk to you.

Rashid:- OK OK I ma bad now now let's  eat our food cuz I know my little Bambi's little one is

Hearing this they both laughed. Shardul felt home, he and the other two sat down to eat. Looking at the food he began to salvate, it's his fav paneer Makhani

 Looking at the food he began to salvate, it's his fav paneer Makhani

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Shar:- you made this thanks Bubba Ily

Seeing him happy siri smiled and served him. The dinner was surely joyful along with some friendly banter. After dinner Rashid insisted on cleaning giving two besties sometime. Both of them sat in siri's room.

Shardul:- (looking at pictures) you never told me that you were married and you have a little princess.

This made siri froze, all the painful memories flood in his mind. His eyes teared, his friend who turned looked at him in worry.

Shar:- siri Bubba what's wrong? Is it related something to your marriage?

Siri:- ( teary) The reason for my life is my so called husband MR SHAMI.

This name shocked shardul, he can't believe the monster who is known to be Merciless was actually his bubba's husband. He made him sit on bed and asked.

Shar:- Siri plz tell me everything about you, Bubba tell me how can kaif bhai make you marry that monster.

Siri:-( chuckles bitterly) My bhai manipulated me made me see a happy life instead of hell. He made me marry him for a FUCKING deal the deal costed mine and my princess's life.

8 years ago
Kaif:- trust me everything is going to be alright hmm do you trust me na then plz don't say no to this marriage.

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